Digital Government

Napolitano backs E-Verify

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she is a big supporter of E-Verify, the Web-based employment eligibility verification tool.


Nominee: DHS won't lose cybersecurity authority

Rand Beers, the nominee to lead the DHS unit that oversees cybersecurity, said he has been told the department won't lose its authority in that area.


Napolitano names senior cybersecurity officials

Philip Reitinger, deputy undersecretary of DHS' National Protection and Programs Directorate, will also lead the National Cybersecurity Center.


Lawmakers praise Obama on cybersecurity approach

President Barack Obama’s plans to improve cybersecurity received positive reviews from several senior lawmakers on Friday.


Obama unveils new cybersecurity strategy

President Obama today said his administration would take “a new comprehensive approach” to cybersecurity and establish a new office in the White House to coordinate government efforts.


Obama directs review of data classifications

President Barack Obama has directed a review of how the government classifies information and how it handles sensitive but unclassified data.


US-VISIT tests new approaches to exit system

The Homeland Security Department will begin testing two methods for collecting biometric data electronically from non-citizens as they leave through U.S. airports.


News alert: Obama to discuss cybersecurity report on Friday (press conference at 10:55 a.m.)

The report is based on the results of the Obama administration’s 60-day review of the federal government’s cybersecurity policy.


FBI, U.S. Marshals reconnect after security problems

The FBI said its external unclassified network is back online and a U.S. Marshals spokesman said computers affected last week by a virus should be fixed by later this week.


Standard updated for reporting suspicious activity

The government has updated its standard for reporting suspicious activity that could be linked to terrorism to deal with issues raised by civil liberties groups and police.


Emergency responder ID program progresses

FEMA officials demonstrated a pilot program today for interoperable credentials for emergency responders.


NARA suffers data breach

The National Archives and Records Administration is missing an external hard drive with the personally identifiable information of some Clinton administration officials and White House visitors.


Court holds for Bush administration on FOIA

A federal appeals court has upheld a lower court's decision that the White House's Office of Administration isn't subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.


GAO cites information security weaknesses

The Government Accountability Office says agencies continue to face major information security vulnerabilities despite making progress in complying with FISMA requirements.


Smart grid standards released

The government has released a list of 16 interoperability and security standards for the smart electric grid.


FBI expands use of social media

The FBI is expanding its outreach efforts through social media such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


Groups seek FOIA policy reversal

Thirty seven open-government groups have urged the Obama administration to make the White House's Office of Administration subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.


Terrorist Screening Center gets new director

Timothy Healy is the new director of a center that administers the consolidated terrorist watch list database.


Kundra's savings plan takes shape

The Obama administration inherited $71 billion worth of annual IT spending from the previous administration, and Vivek Kundra, the government’s chief information officer, will now take his whack at making that money count and holding agencies that spend it more accountable.


Information-sharing platform hacked

A DHS official confirmed that the department's platform for sharing sensitive but unclassified information with partner organizations was recently hacked.