
DHS sees upgrade for Common Operating Picture

A senior Homeland Security Department official said DHS wants to upgrade its Common Operating Picture and make it more accessible to state and local authorities.


Administration will review FISMA metrics

OMB said it will review the metrics agencies use to report their compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act.


Cybersecurity recommendations make progress

The administration said today that its review of cybersecurity efforts will result in an action plan.

Digital Government

Law requires health data breach notifications

The economic stimulus law requires companies to notify people whose unsecured medical data has been breached.


DHS gets new acting CIO

Margaret Graves takes over as acting chief information officer today on Richard Mangogna's last day as CIO.


Administration to request more for cybersecurity

The Obama administration plans to increase spending on cybersecurity, according to an overview of the budget request released today.


DHS secretary discusses department's IT programs

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said today an initial review showed that a 2012 deadline for DHS to scan for radiation all U.S.-bound sea cargo was not going to work. She also discussed information-sharing.


Officials eye a geospatial 'Virtual USA'

Officials from the Homeland Security Department and several states have started a project intended to make state and local geospatial data interoperable.


E-mail case continues with Obama

The groups that sued the government over the alleged loss of millions of e-mail messages has opposed the government's motion to have the case dismissed. Meanwhile, the government's latest motion for dismissal was filed after President Barack Obama took office.

Digital Government

FAA breach heightens cybersecurity concerns

Incident demonstrates that even agencies that put in security controls are still vulnerable.


Cybersecurity audit guidelines recommended

A group of government and private sector cybersecurity officials has recommended 20 security controls it says should be used to evaluate the security of federal computer systems.


Policy needed for data breach response



Obama takes up the cybersecurity mantel

The Obama administration must decide the future of the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative.


DHS to aid security at Oscars

Aerial technology dubbed L.A. Shield will support law enforcement set up around the ceremony's venue with real-time imagery and communications.


DHS gets new privacy chief

Mary Ellen Callahan, the Homeland Security Department's new chief privacy officer, is an attorney who has specialized in privacy, security, data protection, consumer protection and e-commerce law.


Institute: Better coordination needed for cybersecurity R&D

A report makes recommendations to improve cybersecurity research efforts.


DHS Earth used for infrastructure protection

The Homeland Security Department is using DHS Earth, an application built using a Google Earth application, to improve information sharing and situational awareness related to infrastructure protection.


Number of reported cyber incidents jumps

Federal agencies reported three times as many cyber-related incidents to US-CERT in fiscal 2008 as they did in fiscal 2006.


Bill would increase reporting on contractors

A House bill would require additional reporting on how intelligence agencies use private contractors.


Intelligence community assesses cyber threat

The intelligence community's annual assessment of national security threats found "cyber exploitation activity" had increased over the past year and expected the trend to continue.