Digital Government

Federal Register puts presidential documents online daily

The Office of the Federal Register has launched a new online publication that will make presidential documents available each day through the Government Printing Office's new Federal Digital System.

Digital Government

Obama issues orders and memoranda on ethics, transparency

During his first full day on the job, President Barack Obama issued two executive orders and three memorandums today intended to make the government more transparent and ethical.


Vendors' help sought for NIEM's next step

Officials who manage the National Information Exchange Model look to industry for software tools to help expand adoption of the program.


Tech aids coordination on inauguration security

D.C. police, feds use new tool to share reports on suspicious activity during inauguration festivities.


Outgoing intell chief discusses cybersecurity challenge

The government's cybersecurity initiative is not as far along as Mike McConnell, the outgoing director of national intelligence, would like.

Digital Government

Bush orders reciprocity for employment suitability decisions

President George W. Bush today ordered agencies to accept other agencies' decisions on the fitness and suitability for their jobs for some federal employees and contractors.


DHS offers social media to boost preparedness

The Homeland Security Department will offer new media tools to encourage the public to prepare for emergencies.

Digital Government

Court moves to preserve White House e-mail messages

A federal court today ordered the Bush administration to take more steps to preserve millions of e-mail messages that were sent during critical times for the administration.


DHS nominee stresses cybersecurity, border technology

Janet Napolitano, the nominee to be Homeland Security secretary, stressed cybersecurity and border security technology today during her confirmation hearing.


White House office ordered to search for e-mail messages

As part of ongoing litigation, a federal judge today ordered the Executive Office of the President to search workstations and media for any e-mail messages sent or received between March 2003 and October 2005.


Will Obama open the government through IT?

Speculation continues on how president-elect Barack Obama will make use of collaborative information technology to increase government transparency.


Groups list most dangerous software programming errors

Officials hope that the release of a consensus list of the top 25 most dangerous software programming errors will improve cybersecurity.

Digital Government

Langevin leaves Homeland Security Committee

Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.), an advocate of cybersecurity in Congress, will take a leave of absence from the House Homeland Security Committee and resume his work on the House Armed Services Committee.


Power positions: Federal positions on the front lines

A small number of politically appointed agency executives will set and enforce President-elect Barack Obama's policy and management initiatives.


FBI goes global on threats

Law enforcement officials continue to face challenges in the age of global interconnectedness and criminal behavior that operates without regard to national borders.


New marching orders

As a new president takes the Oval Office, federal agencies prepare for policy and priority shifts.


Is cybersecurity initiative enough

A recent report urges the incoming Obama administration to establish an office in the White House dedicated to securing cyberspace.

Digital Government

Rep. Jackson Lee proposes cybersecurity bill

A House member introduces a bill that would establish a grant program for higher education in cybersecurity.

Digital Government

Panel: Update science and technology restrictions

A new report sponsored by the National Academies recommends overhauling the U.S. visa and export control system for science and technology that was designed to protect national security during the Cold War era.

Digital Government

DHS office describes how it assesses privacy

A guidance memo from the Homeland Security Department's privacy office lays out fair information practice principles DHS uses to assess the privacy effects of programs and systems.