
Spymasters in search of forecasting software to enhance intell analysis

The research organization for intelligence agencies wants organizations to propose research to develop methods that provide more accurate, precise and timely intelligence forecasts.

Digital Government

For privacy protection, survey says this agency delivers

Research from Ponemon Institute released today suggests that people have less confidence in the federal government's privacy commitments than they did a year ago.


Australia taps ISPs to fight 'zombies'

Australia's Internet Industry Code is aimed at reducing threats posed by computers that have been hijacked to act as zombies and participate in botnet attacks.


Obama rockets to space with new policy

The Obama administration released a new policy for space exploration that calls for maintaining and enhancing space-based positioning, navigation, and timing systems, as well as protecting access to the radio-frequency spectrum.


DHS front and center in Congress' cybersecurity debate--again

A proposed expansion of the Homeland Security Department's authority to protect networks and systems is central to one comprehensive Senate proposal but absent from another.


'Identity ecosystem' to replace passwords, draft strategy suggests

Obama administration releases a draft plan that would radically change the standard approach to online identity authentication -- if it works.

Digital Government

OMB tells agencies how to treat their online 'friends'

OMB today overhauled policy on using third-party Web sites and applications and Web measurement and customization technologies.

Digital Government

Senate Republicans argue against White House cyber coordinator

Sens. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) have introduced a bill that would set up a national cyber center at the Defense Department.


Committee approves cybersecurity bill

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has sent a cybersecurity bill to the full Senate.

Digital Government

Senators say no 'kill switch' in bill

Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) are trying to debunk what they say are myths about their proposal to bolster cybersecurity.


Auditors rap ICE over strategic management missteps

The Homeland Security Department's inspector general tells the Immigrations and Customs and Enforcement to finalize an IT strategic plan and establish a comprehensive agencywide IT budget process.


Meet the FBI's new top cyber cop

Gordon Snow talks about the challenges of cyber counterintelligence and the FBI’s role in federal cybersecurity efforts.

Digital Government

The urgency behind solving the cyber identity problem

White House Cyber Coordinator Howard Schmidt explains what's behind the Obama administration's push to improve how people and systems are identified in cyberspace.


White House plans strategy for better cyber authentication

White House Cyber Coordinator Howard Schmidt says the Obama administration will release a draft of its national strategy to improve the identification of people and systems in cyberspace.


Wanted: A better system for intelligence collection

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's Smart Collection office wants to fund research into ways to make collected intelligence more valuable.


Officers to get guidelines for open-source intell

Officials are drawing up guidance and certifications for people in the country's intelligence agencies who develop open-source intelligence.

Digital Government

Senate cybersecurity bill gets high-ranking backers in the House

Senior lawmakers on the House Homeland Security Committee have expressed support for a comprehensive proposal to bolster computer security that was introduced last week by their counterparts in the Senate.


US-CERT needs stronger regulatory teeth, larger staff, IG says

The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team needs to be able to compel agencies to follow its computer security recommendations, according to the Homeland Security Department's inspector general.


Government lags behind industry in telework opportunities

Federal information technology workers were much less likely than their private-sector counterparts to regularly or exclusively telework despite having favorable opinions of telecommuting, according to a report released today.


Electronic Records Archives needs more oversight, auditors say

The Government Accountability Office says NARA needs to take steps to ensure completion of its Electronic Records Archives system by 2012.