
FOIA ruling raises questions

A federal court decision answered one legal question about public records and raised several new ones.


Missouri to build interface for Real ID

The Homeland Security Department will pay Missouri $17 million to develop the "verification hub" that states will use to verify documents presented in the Real ID application process.


House passes homeland security measures

The House has passed a bill that would require the Homeland Security Department to bolster its redress process for travelers who feel they have been misidentified as being on the government's no-fly list.


State Department will get SMART

State Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolset system will combine diplomatic text cables, e-mail, and memos in a single messaging system for classified and unclassified networks.


State’s new CIO defines her role

Susan Swart says she will be successful if she can help agency diplomats fulfill their mission.


CIA collaborates online

The managing editor of the World Intelligence Review, the CIA's flagship daily intelligence publication, discusses how online collaboration tools help the agency disseminate information.


White House wins round in e-mail fight

A federal judge has ruled that the White House’s Office of Administration does not have to release documents that detail the White House’s e-mail archive practices. The documents were sought by a group suing the White House for allegedly losing millions of messages.


Airlines say they lack the IT for US-VISIT

Industry reps say the carriers are not equipped to handle the all the biometric data collected from foreign travelers.


Bush leads biometric push

A new presidential directive requires agencies to create standards for sharing biometric data.

Digital Government

Adventures in Web 2.0

Federal IT pioneers discuss what new online collaborative tools mean for the government.


Bills would give more access to DHS data

A House subcommittee agreed on a series of measures meant to improve access to the Homeland Security Department's information and intelligence products.


New CIO starts at CBP

Charles Armstrong is the new chief information technology officer at the Customs and Border Patrol agency. He officially started work June 9.


Lawmakers ponder next step for E-Verify

House lawmakers disagree on the accuracy of DHS' employment eligibility verification system and the agency's role in the process.


DHS enterprise network making headway, official says

As part of the OneNet program, DHS component agencies will comply with the government's Trusted Internet Connections initiative in the next month, and several major networks will be linked by the end of the year.


Contractors must screen for illegal immigrants

The Bush administration is requiring government contractors to use DHS' employment-verification system to ensure that their employees can legally work in the United States.


DHS moves ahead on info sharing network

The Homeland Security Department has hired General Dynamics One Source to upgrade its Homeland Security Information Network — which shares sensitive but unclassified data among state, local and private sector organizations.


Bush pushes biometrics for national security

A presidential directive requires the increased compatibility of methods agencies used to collect, store and share biometrics used to identify and screen “known and suspected terrorists."


DHS deputy secretary confirmed

Paul Schneider is involved in overseeing the planning and implementation of DHS' plans for the next presidential administration transition. In January, DHS will transition for the first time.


Data breaches found to worry managers

More than three-quarters of federal IT executives replying to a survey said their agency has an overall high level of IT security, but just over half of their private-sector and state- and local-level counterparts feel that confident.


Visa waivers go online

DHS is moving toward implementing an automated online registration system to prescreen individuals who travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program.