Digital Government


Computer defense redux. DIA's computer girdle. JTRS jitters. No phoning home.

Digital Government

Washington ferry goes wireless

The ferry system will officially launch Wi-Fi service Feb. 3 for its eight-mile-long Seattle-Bainbridge run.


Groups pitch health info plan

Thirteen groups banded together to propose a Common Framework for a National Health Information Network.


DOD aids tsunami relief

Military deploys communications gear to devastated region.


DISA creates tsunami ops center

It will provide communications and IT support to the unit managing DOD's tsunami humanitarian relief.


Mercy for tsunami victims?

Pentagon officials may deploy the USNS Mercy and its advanced communications capabilities to help tsunami victims.

Digital Government

Military sends teams to deal with tsunami aftermath

Teams reaching devastated South Asia zone expected to provide communications infrastructure, water and other humanitarian aid.

Digital Government

Web aids tsunami response

The Internet is being used to help find people and link resources around the world in the aftermath of the tsunami tragedy.


Hometown supports Illinois soldiers

Paris, Ill., raises money to buy radios and GPS receivers to help equip a local guard unit.


U.S. sends military ships to help in tsunami aftermath

USS Abraham Lincoln and five other ships are heading to the Indian Ocean to aid the countries hardest hit by last weekend's tsunami.


U.S. forces in Iraq lack bomb jammers

U.S. troops in Iraq have only a small number of jammers to defeat roadside bombs.


Troops in Iraq buy own radios

Faced with a shortage of military radios, American troops in Iraq have resorted to buying their own inexpensive, insecure commercial radios to fill the gap.


MCI gets Atlantic GIG

The Defense Information Systems Agency awarded two contracts worth $15.3 million for the Atlantic extension of the Defense Department's Global Information Grid to the government markets division of MCI.


Vendors push Wi-Fi intrusion detection

Cisco Systems, Full Mesh Networks secure wireless access points.

Digital Government


Steven Price, Army Knowledge Online, Army GIG-BE, Future Combat Systems, Navy targeting pods.


Convoy safety slated for upgrade

Vehicle-mounted RFID tracking to be used in Iraq


Thompson: 'Drive technology'

Tommy Thompson resigned as secretary of Health and Human Services and cited an emphasis on health IT as a hallmark of his tenure.

Digital Government


The Gray Lady renames DISA. DOD RFID delays? The NMCI GCCS problem. The satellite genie.

Digital Government

Medicines to get RFID tags

FDA issues policy guidelines to boost use of tags on prescription drugs


VA drives open-source health records initiative

Agency could spur adoption of e-health systems worldwide