


Digital Government


Lockheed Martin Corp. has developed a 'navigation warfare' system to deny U.S. adversaries access to precise location and navigation signals derived from the 24satellite Global Positioning System.


Next generation Army vehicles will be 'Net-ready'

The Army's next generation of lightweight brigades will use newly designed combat vehicles that will come with network and digitization equipment built in


GPS anti-jammer available

With top military officials expressing concern about the vulnerability of Global Positioning Systems to jamming, Lockheed Martin Corp. has developed an antijam device that promises to keep GPS signals free from interference


Navigation warfare heats up

Defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. has developed a navigation warfare system that can deny U.S. enemies access to precision location information from Global Positioning System satellites


Cyber Security Meeting Participants List

The president and his key national security advisors today will meet with top industry executives to discuss ways to jumpstart the administration's Internet security initiatives


NSA concerned about PKI scalability

Senior official from the supersecret agency warns that deploying a PKI infrastructure throughout DOD may be costly and more difficult than originally thought


More money needed for cybersecurity

Top officials from NSA and the FBI say the Clinton administration's proposed $2 billion for cybersecurity isn't all new money and is a mere drop in the bucket of what's needed


Are microwave ovens jamming GPS signals?

Senior military commander warns that the same technology used to build microwave ovens could be used to jam Defense Department Global Position System satellite signals

Digital Government

Few downloaded FBI tool to detect e-commerce attacks

Despite the damaged inflicted on several highprofile Web sites by the recent spate of denialofservice attacks, few companies have opted to download the free tool being offered by the FBI to weed out the malicious code


N/MCI still facing opposition in Pentagon and on Hill

Still, the Navy is moving ahead with plans to deploy the Intranet by fall 2001


A PC for every sailor

Top Navy official suggests like Ford and Delta employees, all personnel need a computer and Internet service


Navy to Microsoft: Give us what we need or else

A senior Navy official said he plans to tell Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer that unless the software giant can provide the groupware capability it needs, the Navy will turn to the freeware market


Navy, Marines to build 12-inch spy plane

New, miniature plane would become the Navy and Marine Corps' hightech eyes and ears on the battlefield all for about $10,000 each


Motorola, Sun to work on Army's next-generation architecture

'Sun's Jini and Java technologies will be used to revolutionize access to C4I information


SAIC wins $271 million Army IT job

The 10year contract will provide a wide range of IT support services to more than 450 information systems at the Army's personnel command

Digital Government

Clinton budget boosts funding for IT research

President Bill Clinton proposed $2.3 billion in funding for information technology research and development in his fiscal 2001 budget released today, up 35 percent from the $1.7 billion earmarked for IT research in the fiscal 2000 budget. This includes allocations for long-term, fundamental research and strong backing for the Next Generation Internet and High Performance Computing and Communications projects.


Army dedicates $7 billion to 'transformation'

The Army plans to spend $7 billion over the next several years to transform itself from a tank-heavy Cold War force into a light but lethal organization, while staying the course on its multiyear effort to digitize the heavy forces.

Digital Government

Clinton wants FAA operated like a business

Clinton proposes that the agency create a performance-based organization for ATC services

Digital Government

Big bucks for digital wiretapping, DOJ, Treasury

Digital wiretapping received a big boost in funding in the president's 2001 budget, with $240 million in funding ? up from $15 million in the 2000 budget ? allocated to allow federal agencies to install court-authorized wiretaps on new digital communications systems.