Digital Government

Satellite vendors line up for $4B DOD net buy

Satellite carriers jockeying for position to bid on the Defense Department's $4 billion procurement for wideband network service in the Pacific and Caribbean contend that satellite transmission, not fiber-optic cable, can best satisfy the Pentagon's requirements.

Digital Government

DOD reels in content on Web sites

Concerned about the security risks posed by the availability of some types of information on the World Wide Web, the Defense Department has begun to pull pages from its Web sites while top DOD officials carry out a department-wide review.

Digital Government

Navy Cleans Up Hawaiian Island

Navy Cleans Up Hawaiian Island

Digital Government

Air Force discusses its networking woes

MONTGOMERY, Ala. The Air Force will revamp its network and systems operations in the coming years, with plans calling for everything from outsourcing more than 10,000 jobs in the information technology work force to adopting hardware and software standards and integrating worldwide networks into

Digital Government

Feds brace Web sites for Starr report traffic

Federal computer specialists last week struggled to prepare World Wide Web sites to manage an onslaught from the public trying to access the hottest document in Internet history Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's report to Congress on President Clinton. Hours before the expected release of the 4

Digital Government

EIA says cost to fix Y2K bug will hit $6B

Less than a week after the Clinton administration estimated it would cost $5.4 billion to fix the millennium bug in tens of thousands of federal computer systems, a key industry group predicted the total cost would be more than 10 percent greater. Gerald Harvey, head of the group that conducted the

Digital Government


SPAWAR RAIDERS REPELLED. Rear Adm. John Gauss and his Spawar crew continue to try to raid key personnel from the Defense Information Systems Agency based on reports I picked up last week. The most recent raid for a key civilian official at DISA HQ failed, I'm told, leading to speculation that the S

Digital Government

GIS helps sweep Hawaiian island

HONOLULU The Navy has launched an unprecedented datagathering and management effort to help coordinate restoration of a Hawaiian island rich in archaeological and cultural treasures that was ravaged by nearly 50 years of bombing and shelling carried out in U.S. target practice. The Navy is requi

Digital Government

PC vendors wage price war

MONTGOMERY, Ala. With more than a bit of showbiz flair, PC vendors at the annual Air Force Information Technology Conference here kicked off the last, key month of the federal buying season with a price war. Compared with last year, when competition faded due to the disappearance of Zenith Data

Digital Government


MONTGOMERY, ALA. SILICON SOUTH? The Standard Systems Group, headquartered here, managed once again to turn this sleepy southern capital into a hightech Mecca during the annual Air Force Information Technology Conference, luring both Michael Dell of Dell Computer Corp. and Scott McNealy from Sun

Digital Government

AF plans rapid ramp-up of DMS client deployment

MONTGOMERY, Ala. The Air Force has completed the installation of more than half of its Defense Message System's unclassified infrastructure and expects a quick ramp up in the number of desktops equipped with client software based on Microsoft Corp.'s Exchange. Speaking last week at the Air Force

Digital Government

Navy to award IT-21 contract for ship LANs

The Information Technology for the 21st Century (IT21) project, which will enable the Navy to harness the power of commercial networks and computers aboard ships and ashore, will move closer to reality next week with the award of a key contract for shipboard localarea networks. Capt. Tim Traverso

Digital Government

Ready for battle

Bill Curtis, the Defense Department's point man for fixing the Year 2000 millennium bug, sees a certain cosmic balance in his assignment.

Digital Government

GBS hits snag

The Defense Department's Global Broadcast Service (GBS), a worldwide network designed to give commanders access to hundreds of channels of intelligence, imagery and live video feeds, has run into hardware and software problems that have delayed deployment of the system by at least three months. Acc

Digital Government


BIG DMS BUCKS. Throwing money at a problem does not always guarantee a cure. Take DISA's muchdelayed Defense Message System which is under development by Lockheed Martin. According to a GAO report released earlier this summer, DISA has spent skads of money but still may fall short of its stated go

Digital Government

DISA launches $4B 'hemispheric' telecom net buy

The Defense Information Systems Agency this month surprised potential bidders for a wideband telecommunications network that would span the Pacific, South America and the Caribbean when it doubled the estimated value of the network from $2 billion to $4 billion. In releasing the request for proposa

Digital Government


MONEY BETS ON THE NAVY. My Ering antenna site has picked up strong signals that Art Money, still awaiting confirmation as ASD/C3I, has tapped Rear Adm. Robert Nutwell, currently the Navy N6, as his new principal assistant for all C4ISR matters, according to one report. Another report says Nutwell

Digital Government

DOD reports more systems need Y2K fix

Amid numerous internal reports that are critical of its management of the Year 2000 problem, the Defense Department last week released a report indicating that it is further behind schedule in fixing computer systems for the millennium than previously reported. In its quarterly Year 2000 progress r

Digital Government

Pentagon taps GTE for telecom pact

GTE Government Systems last week won a 10year, $110 million contract to upgrade the telecommunications system at the Pentagon, providing the Defense Department headquarters with advanced, wideband multimedia technology to manage land, sea and air forces worldwide. Col. Scipio deKanter, the Army's

Digital Government

Cohen: Y2K takes priority

The Defense Department has warned the military services that it will impose a moratorium on all software system modifications in calendar 1999 if necessary to permit all its information technology resources to focus on fixing the Year 2000 millennium bug, according to a memo signed earlier this mon