Digital Government

Congress Directs the Pentagon to Appoint a Cyber Czar

The new position would have a broad portfolio, including oversight of all cyber missions, both offensive and defensive.

Digital Government

Congress Tells Energy Dept. to Develop 'Exascale' Computers in 10 Years

Devices will be 1,000 times faster than today’s record holder and help with nuclear and big data analysis.

Digital Government

Congress to Defense and VA: Give Us a Plan for Integrating Health Records by February

Defense authorization bill calls for a single or interoperable electronic health record for the two departments.

Digital Government

For Some of Us, Recovery From War Is Its Own Hell

There’s an interesting debate going on in the comments on my Tuesday article.

Digital Government

Any Questions for the Joint Chiefs Chairman?

Martin Dempsey is holding is first Facebook town hall and wants to hear from you.

Digital Government

Grunt With Me at the Bataan Memorial Death March

It’s the 25th anniversary of the commemorative march.