
DHS IG sees substantial risks for core SBInet program

House panel told DHS did not lay the foundation to oversee and assess contractor performance and control costs.


DHS IG targets security, procurement

The department’s IT security, program management and procurement practices will be among the IG's prime areas of study in fiscal 2007.


ManTech to use SOA for geospatial project

The platform will let DHS, state and local government agencies, and private-sector organizations share geospatial information and respond better to disasters.


NRC rule creates Web system to track nuclear material

States and the NRC will use the National Source Tracking System to closely monitor the location and use of various radioactive materials.


On the road to a better security blueprint

The linking of threat management and EA design could yield huge potential benefits.


IG warns CBP to strengthen controls over ACE contract

Current controls may not be enough to prevent incorrect invoicing and payments, the inspector general said.


DHS to boost use of secure data-sharing net

The department recently established an HSIN advisory committee to get input from users in state, local and tribal governments, as well as from the private sector.


Unisys to revamp the FBI's DNA database

The new system is intended to expand the scalability and flexibility of the FBI database so it can meet the ballooning demand for DNA matching, nationally and internationally.


IG: DHS makes progress on FISMA

Recent improvements on an information security program could finally boost the department's failing grade.


DHS moves forward with reverse auctions

The department has awarded a contract to FedBid, which has provided online reverse auction services on a number pilot projects.


Craig Larscheid: The energy manager

An environmentally conscious manager of midrange computer operations at the U.S. Postal Service made numerous “green” decisions that reduced costly power consumption.


EU to expand e-gov by 2010

Its plan will save billions of euros each year and improve the level of government services provided to its 25 member states, the union says.


TSA needs to beef up COOP plan, IG says

TSA management needs to do more work to ensure that only essential functions and associated emergency employees are included in the plan, according to the inspector general.


DHS laptops still vulnerable, IG finds

Laptops used by DHS' Office of the Inspector General are still susceptible to attacks, despite a number of recent steps taken to harden security.


Congress forces cargo safety

By passing the Security and Accountability for Every Port Act, lawmakers require better inspection and tracking of cargo going through U.S. ports.


Labor IG finds pre-procurement diligence lax on GSA buys

The department cannot show that contracting officers are checking other available sources before buying products through GSA schedule contracts.


Security training no longer on the back burner

Growth in data breaches prompts agencies to invest more in training for security professionals and employees.


Congress gives DHS less for IT, procurement

All IT procurements must conform to DHS’ enterprise architecture plan, a House/Senate conference said, and the department must justify any that deviate.


GAO: DHS needs better control of interagency buys

DHS officials have not set up the controls and oversight needed to ensure that their money is being well spent, according to a new report.


Congress boosts DHS appropriations

A House/Senate conference has pushed fiscal 2007 funding for the Homeland Security Department nearly $3 billion above the amount President Bush requested.