Digital Government

A Clearer Path to Becoming a Presidential Management Fellow

Website helps candidates navigate the application through the placement stages.

Digital Government

Who Should Pay for Telework?

Employees may need to shoulder extra costs, MSPB says.

Digital Government

Feds Aren't Video Conferencing Enough

Lack of video conference equipment is to blame, study finds.

Digital Government

What Silicon Valley Can Teach Feds About Innovation

A culture that promotes collaboration and tolerates failure is critical.

Digital Government

IT Workers Are Staying Put Longer

Median tenure is more than seven years in several tech-related occupations.

Digital Government

How Much Would You Save By Teleworking? Use This Calculator

Tool will help employees make the business case for working outside the office.

Digital Government

Too Many Agencies Rely on Costly, Ineffective Training

Online programs can reduce duplication and costs and expand access.

Digital Government

Rent-to-Own Promising IT Talent

County in Michigan tries a new recruiting approach.

Digital Government

DHS Website Will Help Your Cybersecurity Career

Site will highlight education, training and career opportunities.

Digital Government

Do You Work In Cyber Security? DHS Wants to Know.

Homeland Security is conducting a survey to better assess IT roles.

Digital Government

App Developers and Physicist Nab Prestigious SAMMY Awards

Service to America Medals honor outstanding federal employees.

Digital Government

Should Employees Telework? How About Letting Them Decide

Study shows employees who work outside the office by choice are more productive.

Digital Government

Many Tech Pros Don’t See the Merits of Advanced Degrees

Only 32 percent think an MBA is important to future IT careers.

Digital Government

Clearer Cybersecurity Career Paths

New Young Professionals program is open to both aspiring and active cybersecurity professionals age 35 and under.

Digital Government

Starting Salaries for Recent IT Grads Inch Up

Technology and engineering majors have a financial edge over their peers in education and business.

Digital Government

Job Interviews Increasingly Conducted by Video

Sixty-three percent of surveyed HR managers report using video for interviews, up from 14 percent. .

Digital Government

Secrets to Six-Figure Salaries in IT

Moving up in management is one key to making more.

Digital Government

Desk Phones and PCs Go The Way of The Dinosaur

CIOs predict your future office will look very different.

Digital Government

IT Jobs are Open and Growing

Openings in the Washington and Baltimore metro areas are up 7 percent in 2012.