Digital Government

Federal Agencies Aren't Among the Top 100 IT Employers

Contractors do make the list.

Digital Government

Twitter Takes Off

Percentage of daily users has doubled since May 2011.

Digital Government

Hiring Outlook Gets Even Rosier

Salaries also are on the rise for many techies, survey finds.

Digital Government

Is Email Useful?

Studies raise doubts about the now commonplace communication method.

Digital Government

The Next Generation of Feds

As retirements rise, agencies prepare younger feds.

Digital Government

Deepening the Cybersecurity Bench

New task force is aimed at developing and recruiting the next generation of cyber professionals.

Digital Government

A Busy 18 Months for OPM

Personnel agency touts IT accomplishments under 25-point reform plan.

Digital Government

Testing Telework Progress

Is the trust misplaced?

Digital Government

Catching Up on Telework

The private sector is closing the gap with government.

Digital Government

Telework a ‘Silent Factor’ in New Digital Strategy

Plan makes little mention of telework, but the practice will be key to implementation.

Digital Government

Financial Help for Aspiring Cybersecurity Pros

Scholarships are available in four areas.

Digital Government

Workplace environment trumps pay for federal workers

The Partnership for Public Service survey provides a snapshot of job satisfaction.

Digital Government

Bring Your Own Device Plans Due by September

Eighty-seven percent of agencies have not implemented a BYOD program, expert says.

Digital Government

IT Workers in Hot Demand

Unemployment rates are about half the national average and turnover remains high.

Digital Government

Government Becoming More Attractive to New IT Grads

Federal agencies move up in ranking of where current and future IT grads want to work.

Digital Government

Telework's Return-on-Investment

Many agencies have yet to gauge how their programs are doing.

Digital Government

Industry and Feds Find Common Ground on BYOD Strategies

Survey respondents agree plans for use of personal devices for work will be adopted within the next two years.

Digital Government

Does Telework Work?

Measuring program success is an emerging challenge.

Digital Government

Fewer Female Techs -- Again

Women in U.S. IT jobs decreased each of the last three years.