Digital Government

Wasting Time Searching for Files?

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Cyber Workers: OPM Wants You

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Choosing Top-Flight IT Workers

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Award-Winning Security Leadership

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Can SES Pay Compete?

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Tech Generation Gap Widens

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Growing Up Digital

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Attracting the Net Generation

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Addressing the Retirement Wave has an interesting <a href="">article</a> about how the coming retirement wave of 76 million baby boomers over the next 18 years will create an even greater demand for technology experts, not just to replace these seasoned workers but also to develop new technologies, like patient monitoring, independent living concepts, assistive technologies and wired pillboxes.

Digital Government

More on IT Jobs Registers

The Office of Personnel Management is looking to revamp its centralized hiring register program to make it easier for agencies to search for specific skills. <em>Federal Times</em> <a href="">reports</a> chief human capital officers say the hiring registers -- under which OPM advertises for 13 of the most in-demand federal jobs, including IT - are too broad and insufficient for helping them target the skills they need, according to OPM Director John Berry. For example, the Internal Revenue Service needs information technology specialists with experience writing Java code, but the current registers don't identify candidates with those skills.

Digital Government

More Feds Receive Student Loan Help

Federal employees benefited more from student loan repayment programs in 2009, according to a new <a href="">report</a> by the Office of Personnel Management.

Digital Government

HR Chiefs Not Happy With IT

The federal human resources community is hampered by a lack of robust information technology systems, forcing many HR leaders to rely on outdated manual processes, according to a new <a href="">report</a>.

Digital Government

HR Chiefs Find Lots to Worry About

The federal government continues to struggle with a number of dysfunctional policies and practices that hamper its ability to recruit and retain a high-quality workforce, according to a new <a href="">report</a> by the Partnership for Public Service and Grant Thornton.

Digital Government

OPM: Feds Underpaid 22 Percent

The debate over whether federal employees are paid significantly higher than their private sector counterparts has made headlines recently. Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry issued a statement late Monday contending that such stories are "unfair and untrue," noting that they make comparisons based on gross averages, including retail and restaurant service workers and other entry-level positions that reduce private sector pay in comparison to the federal average.

Digital Government

Insourcing Tech Jobs

Federal agencies still have the green light to bring contractor jobs in-house, despite the Defense Department's recent announcement that it will abandon such efforts, <em>Government Executive</em> <a href="">reports</a>. Daniel Gordon, administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy at the Office of Management and Budget, said on Friday the Obama administration does not anticipate issuing guidance that would prohibit agencies from adding federal employees to do work currently being performed by contractors.

Digital Government

Going Beyond a Resume

The average number of resumes viewed by technology hiring managers and recruiters is up 50 percent this year, according to this month's issue of the <a href="">Dice Report</a>. But that number represents the under-the-radar job market, where employers -- 80 percent of them, in fact -- are searching resume databases before posting their job publicly. As a result, it's important for technology professionals to highlight their achievements on social networking websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and personal blogs, Dice notes.

Digital Government

DHS Team to Evaluate Cyber Workforce

The Homeland Security Department has stood up a special task force to evaluate the needs within the federal and private sector cybersecurity workforce.

Digital Government

DHS Scraps Automated Hiring Tool

The Homeland Security Department has abandoned a technology platform that the agency hoped would simplify and accelerate its recruiting and hiring activities.

Digital Government

More Attacks on Federal Pay

Another <a href="">article</a> in <em>USA Today</em> again claims that federal pay is significantly higher than private sector pay. Federal employees have been awarded bigger average pay and benefit increases than private employees for nine years consecutive years, forcing the compensation gap to double over the past decade, the article states.

Digital Government

Bill Seeks to Downsize Government

A Republic senator late last week introduced a bill that would reduce and limit the number of civilian federal workers to February 2009 levels.