Digital Government

Unemployment Remains Low for Tech Pros

At 3.9 percent, it's just under half the national rate, but still higher than it's been in nearly two years.

Digital Government

Federal IT Pros Want More Training to Manage Diverse Demands

Generalist IT skills are more valuable than specialist skills, they say.

Digital Government

Get a Security Boost: Add More Women to Your Cyber Team

Women bring a diversity of experience that cybersecurity needs, report says.

Digital Government

Bill to Bolster DHS Cyber Workforce Advances

The department must hire 'the best and brightest that this emerging field has to offer,' lawmaker says.

Digital Government

Six Veterans Receive Cyber Warrior Scholarships

New financial assistance aims to close the cybersecurity skills gap.

Digital Government

Feds: You Don't Need Permission to Innovate

APIs allow employees to test out new ideas before taking them to the boss.

Digital Government

CIOs May Struggle to Keep IT Staff on Board Next Year

Another challenge to retaining the federal tech workforce: industrywide antsiness.

Digital Government

Private-Sector IT Pros to See 5.6 Percent Average Pay Boost in 2014

Pay estimates could sting for fed tech workers just returning from furlough.

Digital Government

Telework Now Offered by 88 Percent of Organizations

Mobility increasing at most workplaces, despite a few visible defectors, including HP, Best Buy and Yahoo!

Digital Government

The Key to Solving the Science and Math Talent Shortage? Women

Women are nearly half the U.S. workforce but only 23 percent of STEM employees.

Digital Government

Feds Want User-Friendly Security; Cyber Pros Don't Think About That

Government employees may be less likely to use inconvenient cybersecurity measures, study finds.

Digital Government

What Makes Your Job 'Essential?'

Feds explain what they do and why it's necessary.

Digital Government

Computer Science Degrees Pay Off, Study Finds

Tech majors among top 10 degrees with highest post-graduation earnings.


Potential Ripples of Stretched Cyber Support During Shutdown

Situation is similar to holidays and weekends, when IT staffs operate with skeleton crews.

Digital Government

Sequestration Slows IT Hiring for Months; Shutdown Stops It Entirely

Analysis shows downward trend in federal tech since March.

Digital Government

Cyber Execs' Competing Priorities Are Often at Odds With Each Other

Study identifies critical yet paradoxical security problems managers face.

Digital Government

Feds Already Knew It's Too Soon for Cyber Workforce Standards

Recent report confirms what federal managers already knew, NIST official says.

Digital Government

Cyber Experts Don't Put Much Stock in Security Compliance Measures

Survey shows little confidence in FISMA's effectiveness.