
Sovereignty in cyberspace

In the words of Jose Maria Figueres, former president of Costa Rica, 'There are only two nationalities: those that are connected to the Internet and those that are not.'


The necessity of networking

One of the most valuable aspects of the Year 2000 solution was the networking. At every level of society, people got together, physically and online, to talk about what they were doing to prepare for the date change and the dreaded Year 2000 bug. Like the bug, networking cut across boundaries, drawing people from every kind of organization.


Dependable systems

The central problem in information technology management has shifted. Runaway systems development projects have given way to a new central concern that of making systems dependable.


Get ready for the transition

It is a pleasure to find myself postY2K with the opportunity to communicate monthly with my former coworkers in the federal government and those in industry who support them. I write this from Tokyo, where, as in Washington and Ottawa, the government has set a goal of putting all its transactions online by 2003. This is the traditional approach to egovernment.