
Report recommends INS restraint

Until a system architecture and management process is in place, GAO is suggesting that INS limit future IT spending requests


Future workload is SSA's greatest challenge

SSA faces significant challenges in the future, in part because of the aging population inside and outside the agency, according to GAO


NASA contract management still at risk

The space agency still must do more to gain effective oversight and management of contract operations


DOJ offers guidance on electronic evidence

The Justice Department has released a manual that guides law enforcement agencies on searching and seizing electronic evidence


State debuting dynamic site

The State Department is archiving its current Web site and replacing it with an overhauled, databasedriven site


Agencies may get paid for spectrum move

Telecom companies that want to acquire governmentused radio spectrum for 3G wireless ventures may have to reimburse displaced federal agencies

Digital Government

NOAA builds networks in Africa

NOAA, with the help of USAID, is building a communications network in Africa to talk about the weather


Mars channel on the horizon?

NASA plans to launch a spacecraft in 2007 whose sole mission will be to handle communications signals between Mars and Earth

Digital Government

Justice working on IT policy for INS

A recent General Accounting Office report said INS needed to strengthen its ability to manage its IT investments


NASA's Goldin likely gone

With the Bush transition in full swing, it may be just a matter of time before it names a successor to Dan Goldin

Digital Government

FCC paves way for new radios

As the broadcast spectrum becomes more and more crowded, federal officials are looking for new ways to share the airwaves.


DOJ distills e-gov tips

The Justice Department drafted a report that guides federal agencies through the legal issues they face in delivering services electronically


Three firms vie for ASSIST2 work

The Justice Department has opened for competition work on roughly $300 million in IT support services under the ASSIST2 program

Digital Government

FCC takes next step in 3G distribution

The FCC published a notice of proposed rulemaking in efforts to redistribute the radio spectrum to accommodate commercial 3G wireless

Digital Government

NASA testing biometrics over Internet

NASA will begin testing the Internet as a means for sending and authenticating the biometrics information of NASA officials accessing secure networks


Who's a Grinch? Not FCC

FCC commissioner: I 'quibble with Whos down in Whoville that think we're the Grinch'


Privacy cloud hangs over Digital Storm

Already under fire about the FBI's email surveillance system Carnivore, the Justice Department can expect Digital Storm to churn up its own tempest

Digital Government

Oracle to Web-enable SBA work

Oracle Corp. will supply software that will enable SBA employees and customers to conduct business via a Web browser


Justice guides agencies through e-gov

The Justice Department has drafted a report that guides agencies through the legal issues they face in delivering services electronically

Digital Government

Carnivore report doesn't end debate

The final report on Carnivore is unlikely to close the divide between proponents of the FBI's controversial email surveillance system and those concerned with privacy issues