
FBI exec investigates outsourcing

The FBI's new assistant director for information resources anticipates outsourcing as much as possible to free up bureau resources from business operations


Search may be over for fingerprint tool

Law enforcement agencies may soon get a longsoughtafter investigation tool a national fingerprint search system thanks to a drive toward standardization


DOD dials up phone savings

DOD is expecting to save about $160 million in local phone service over the next eight years, the result of signing up for the WITS2001 contract


Internet diplomacy on the rise

The challenge for the State Department is to use the Internet to further its diplomatic mission, according to Ira Magaziner, a former White House adviser


DFAS mulls outsourcing pay system

The Defense Finance and Accounting Service is testing the outsourcing waters again to determine whether the private sector can more efficiently and more frugally manage the system it uses to processes billions of dollars of payments for military retirees and their family members.


Security: Who should be in charge?

Should the Defense Department assume responsibility for safeguarding the country's communications infrastructure?

Digital Government

A case of arrested development

A Justice Department initiative to develop a nationwide system for identifying and booking crime suspects may remain stalled in Florida by a lack of funding next year.

Digital Government

'A nice turnaround'

With its Joint Automated Booking System, the Justice Department has hit 'a significant milestone' in a plan to set up a nationwide, cross-agency database of arrest information, according to Linda Burek, the department's deputy assistant attorney general for information resources.


Research group to check out Carnivore

The Justice Department has found a research group to study its controversial email bugging system called Carnivore

Digital Government

Justice CIO optimistic about eFBI

A revised program, a budget reeled way in and a new leader point to a brighter future for a Webbased information sharing system for FBI


Exposing 'human trade'

The State Department is going online to help fight the international trafficking of human beings.


A case of arrested development

A Justice Department initiative to develop a nationwide system for identifying and booking crime suspects may remain stalled in Florida by a lack of funding next year.


Questions nip at Carnivore

Already under scrutiny by legislators and civil liberties groups, the FBI email bugging system's integrity was further questioned because major universities are balking at reviewing the system


Site to monitor global slave trade

The State Department is sponsoring a Web site to draw attention to the international crisis of trafficking in human beings


Download clampdown

Stop the music. That's the order from Justice and State department officials to employees who have been downloading music files from the Internet which not only slows down computer networks but also possibly results in copyright violations.


Software that filters

W. Quinn Associates Inc. sells software that monitors downloads to the server, blocks offensive or restricted files specified by an administrator, and compiles reports on the kinds of files that are downloaded and from which workstations.


Passport data on the go

A State Department program to convert passport applications into stored electronic documents could become a new tool for quickly identifying suspected terrorists and criminals attempting to enter the United States.

Digital Government

Video trumps travel

PictureTel system helps national lab deal with budget cuts


Justice shops for Carnivore review

The Justice Department has posted a RFP for a university to conduct an independent technical review of Carnivore, the email bugging system

Digital Government

University testing GPS interference

Tests aimed at learning whether ultrawideband signals interfere with the Global Positioning System are under way at Texas' Applied Research Laboratories