
Federal labor union leader to step down

After nine years as AFGE president and 25 years in the labor movement, John Gage announces his exit.


GSA takes closer look at IT portfolio

Following the release of the Digital Government Strategy, GSA CIO Casey Coleman says her agency will looks to review its IT portfolio as part of the federal IT reform.


ACT-IAC elect new officers

A new slate of board members for the organization will begin service on July 1.

Digital Government

How to read minds

Reading people's minds doesn't require supernatural powers, just understanding and applying psychological concepts. That's a lesson learned at the Management of Change conference.


ACT-IAC elects new leadership

New officials assume roles July 1.


DHS to unveil mobile security reference architecture

The agency is looking to address BYOD and mobile security in upcoming framework.


IG slams Energy Department for wasting energy

An audit finds the agency overlooked hundreds of data centers in its data center management efforts.


White House threatens to strike down bill to extend pay freeze

An appropriations bill that funds military construction and veterans' programs also would add another year to the federal employee pay freeze for some employees.


Tips for the digital government strategy

The new digital government strategy might be overwhelming, but agencies are beginning to sort it out and offer advice.


NIST guide aims to explain cloud in plain language

New document details risk management and other security issues related to cloud computing.

Digital Government

SES members fed up with slackers

New poll reveals that SES members are generally happy with their role, not so much with their lazier colleagues.

Digital Government

Can Michael Daniel make a difference?

Howard Schmidt's successor will take over during the period when getting anything done in Washington is at its hardest: Just before an election.


Feds don't always see mobile as cost saver

A poll discovers feds are enthusiastic about mobile technology and believe it will help cut costs -- but not all the time.


Tight budgets should not stall innovation, VanRoekel says

The public sector may have unique challenges but it could learn a thing or two from the industry.


OMB's digital strategy emphasizes mobility

Also in the strategy: A moratorium on .gov domains and a call for innovators for 'game-changing projects.'

Digital Government

White House reinforces mobile initiative

Obama directs agencies to implement a new intiative to help citizens more easily access government information and services on their mobile devices.


OMB's digital strategy expected imminently

The long-awaited OMB digital strategy builds on existing initiatives and incorporates mobile devices in prominent roles, according to an early look.


What cyber czar's departure means for White House cyber priorities

Howard Schmidt played a key role in developing some of the White House's cybersecurity initiatives. What will become of them when he steps down?


Who's the top employer among IT and engineering students?

Government agencies make the top 10 list of best employers.


Politically minded feds gain unexpected ally

Utah representative who's supporting new legislation hasn't always been an advocate for federal employees.