Digital Government

3 tips on how to deal with a difficult manager

Step one: Check yourself.

Digital Government

Government shutdown threat looms: Does it matter?

The government is facing another shutdown risk if Congress cannot pass measures to keep it funded beyond the Nov. 18 deadline. Has Congress cried "wolf" too many times?


NIST cloud roadmap: Too much too fast?

A new cloud roadmap aims to help the government speed up the cloud migration process but agencies should consider slowing down to make sure they prioritize security.


Rising stars: Young feds bring innovation to agencies

Federal managers, take note: A new generation of public servants is transforming the government, and these rising stars have new ways of thinking when it comes to solving old problems.


4 tips toward good communication for managers

Example: Employees need to understand national politics. Why? Read on.

Digital Government

Expert: Federal managers, deal with problem people!

More managers need to deal firmly with the underperformers and slackers in government, says an expert.

Digital Government

Analysis: Cybersecurity puzzle is a tough one to solve

Experts agree a multidimensional approach to cybersecurity is necessary, but what does that really mean?

Digital Government

Roger W. Jones Award for executive leadership bestowed

The award honors commitment to public service.


GSA wants to take the telework reins

GSA's new telework policy could help other agencies loosen up and allow more remote work, says expert.


GSA begins major telework push

GSA signs new telework policy that aims to promote teamwork and guide federal supervisors in managing a mobile workforce.

Digital Government

America's 'scariest' jobs revealed

If pay cuts and workloads keep you up at night, you’re in good company. A new survey shows that many Americans consider those the biggest fear factors at work.

Digital Government

7 questions IT hiring managers should ask

Having trouble hiring the right IT professional? Try updating your interview questions.

Digital Government

Who's hiring IT pros?

A survey identifies the speciality areas most likely to be in demand at higher salaries in the private sector. How does the government compare?


Federal CIO VanRoekel unveils plan to boost government innovation

Obama’s chief information officer highlights how "Shared First" and "Future First" initiatives will help cut waste and make the most of IT investments.


GAO: OMB's definition of IT investments is too broad

The Office of Management and Budget should be more detailed in its guidance to federal agencies in identifying IT investments to avoid understated numbers, according to a watchdog report.

Digital Government

Mobility: Evolve or perish

Federal agencies agree: Better get on the mobility wave or get left behind. Read what some feds and industry experts are saying about this hot topic.


Future of mobility: More machine than man

Future mobile technology will be so much more than just smart devices and peripherals, expert says. Enter the "Cube."

Digital Government

Survey: Despite lukewarm economy, IT pros are feeling pretty hot

Some IT professionals feel more confident about their own talents than about the nation's prospects of an improved economy, according to a new survey.


Workplace as a service? DHS CIO says yes

Department of Homeland Security is looking to try out a new business model.

Digital Government

3 tips to not be a disgruntled employee

Hate your job, or your boss? Before you quit, consider these ideas for making things better.