Digital Government

Get used to shutdown risks

A smooth budget process isn't likely anytime soon, but agencies may be getting used to it.


Workplace flexibility could expand dramatically soon

Could a management philosophy that shuns traditional ways of thinking about work soon be a reality for the federal workforce?

Digital Government

Shutdown likely averted

Senate reaches agreement that could avert a government shutdown. Now the House must approve the deal.


Ineligible to telework? Join the club.

Most feds haven't been told they're eligible to telework OPM survey finds.

Digital Government

Kundra's plan: Good. Practicality: Not so much

Survey reveals that many feds are uncertain about timing, funding and mandates for federal IT efforts.


Teleworkers: Slackers or ethical?

A confluence of events makes telework more attractive than ever -- just in time for a bombshell study to throw a wrench into the effort.

Digital Government

Senate rejects funding bill, shutdown nears

A federal shutdown is still possible, but the Senate will try again before recess.


Technology R&D needed to keep edge in innovation, House panel hears

Witnesses testifying before the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education emphasize importance of tech R&D.

Digital Government

Could eagerness hurt your career?

Is your quest for the next big thing setting you up for failure?


House passes funding bill, but shutdown still possible

The odds are against a government shutdown, one expert says, but the Senate still could block a resolution.

Digital Government

Millennials in the digital workplace

The self-sufficient millennials could be good news to IT departments, a new report says.

Digital Government

How can young feds make a difference?

Young federal employees should convey their skills to senior leaders, expert says.


Administration would raise feds' retirement contributions

The Obama administration wants a 1.2 percent increase in federal employees' retirement contributions.

Digital Government

'Digital Promise' launched to help competitiveness

New center started to spur U.S. tech innovation.

Digital Government

Are teleworkers slacking off?

Nearly 20 percent of teleworking people surveyed said they do an hour or less of work per day. How accurate are the survey results?


Program launched to amp up federal IT workforce

New government project targets tech-savvy students in effort to boost federal IT workforce.

Digital Government

How much do feds really work?

Do feds work more or less just because they're feds? Opinions seem to differ among FCW readers.

Digital Government

The evolution of the CIO: Chief geek or strategist?

A recent OMB memo stresses agency CIOs moving away from policy making. But does everyone agree with this change?


Workforce largely spared in first super committee session

More than two months remain for the panel to compile recommendations to cut more than $1 trillion from federal spending in the next 10 years.

Digital Government

Top and bottom 5 federal employers; readers react

FCW readers weigh in on which agencies they think are the best for launching a career.