
Defense Digital Service turns to industry for background check help

As the Pentagon prepares to absorb background-checking responsibility, the Defense Digital Service is turning to industry for help.

Digital Government

Lawmakers look to modernize Congress, but OTA revival isn't high on the list

A new House committee focused on modernizing technology and processes in the legislative branch heard input from more than 30 lawmakers on updating Congress.


White House proposes deep cuts to federal benefits

The White House renewed pushes to cut federal retirement benefits and pay, move away from the general schedule and transfer workforce functions away from the government's central personnel agency.


Unions expecting pay freeze, workforce cuts in Trump budget

With the president's fiscal year 2020 budget planned slated for release on March 11, federal unions are bracing for proposed cuts to retirement benefits and agency size, as well as a civilian pay freeze.


Lawmakers seek answers on CBP's HR contract

Lawmakers pressed Accenture Federal Services over a $300 million contract to build a hiring system for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


Federal unions face a busy 2019 in Congress and in the courts

Much of the legislative wish list for one of the federal government's largest unions consists of fighting against workforce changes proposed in the first two years of the Trump administration.


Census braces for cyberattacks

With less than a year before the 2020 census officially begins, the bureau knows it'll be a prime target for cybersecurity attackers.


Census demo day showcases open data, AI tools

Open data is fueling federal, private and nongovernmental tech projects aimed at addressing challenges ranging from geospatial mapping and disaster recovery to health care to the workforce.


MSPB set to enter unprecedented territory with no members

At midnight March 1, the Merit Systems Protection Board will be in unprecedented territory: without a single appointed member.


How legacy IT complicates hiring at DHS

As the Department of Homeland Security continues to dig out from the shutdown, staffing challenges are exacerbated by legacy IT systems.


Lawmakers press VA officials on EHR modernization, workforce

Officials with the Department of Veterans Affairs touted progress on the agency's long-term electronic health records modernization, but appropriators still have concerns about the multi-billion-dollar project.

Digital Government

Use of online Social Security accounts is changing

As the number of online Social Security users has shot up, the percentage of users who access their statements online has plummeted.


TMF gets $25 million in final budget agreement

The budget agreement to keep government open includes $25 million for the Technology Modernization Fund.


Pay raise for feds likely included in funding bill

A long-sought 1.9 percent pay raise appears to be packaged in appropriations bills to keep the government fully open for the rest of the fiscal year. Back pay for contractors, however, was dropped from the compromise package.

Digital Government

NextGen may miss deadlines because of shutdown

According to union leaders and stakeholders, the 35-day shutdown made the U.S. airspace less safe and froze needed modernization and policy development.


Murkowski optimistic on funding deal: 'We're going to get this figured out'

As a deal to avert another partial government shutdown began to take shape Monday afternoon, the Alaska senator also voiced support for a 2.6 percent federal pay raise.

Digital Government

End-to-end census test took place without 2020 tech

A number of the Census Bureau's plans to save money on the 2020 population count need work, according to an agency watchdog.


USDS veterans tapped to head OPM IT shop

Clare Martorana will take over as CIO of the personnel agency, and David Nesting will serve as her deputy.

Digital Government

Even with law, open government still depends on those in charge

With the passage of the OPEN Government Data Act, openness is now the default setting for federal data, but success still depends on buy-in at agencies.


House to probe legality of making feds work during shutdowns

A House panel is probing the legal gray area of excepted operations during a lapse in appropriations.