Digital Government

Blockchain gains congressional support

Blockchain now has its own congressional caucus to raise awareness among lawmakers and advance policy discussions around the technology for tracking bitcoin transactions.


Cyber advice for Hill staffers

Congressional staffers have a lot of responsibility to protect their decentralized IT systems.

Digital Government

FAA looks to take over commercial space traffic control

The Federal Aviation Administration is making the case that it and not the military should police commercial space traffic, and Congress is helping the flight agency take the first step.


Solving the federal IT workforce problem

Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas) argues that potential answers to the federal government’s IT workforce gap lie in expanding youth programs and partnerships between public and private sectors.

Digital Government

Legislators call for better implementation of transparency legislation

Reps. Darrell Issa and Mike Quigley are calling for more timely action on new legislation and greater enforcement of current laws to improve transparency in government.

Digital Government

Treasury 'on track' to hit Data Act milestones

Despite concerns, Treasury Department officials said they are on schedule to publish agency spending data by the May 2017 deadline.


'Sammies' to honor tech achievers

Two winners of the 2016 Samuel J. Heyman awards for public service will be honored for achievements in tech.


Slight uptick in feds' morale, survey says

The latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey shows only marginal gains in job satisfaction among feds.


Obama nominates new OPM IG

A State Department watchdog has been selected to lead internal oversight at the Office of Personnel Management.


GAO says agency CISO roles are too fuzzy and often undermined

A new report urges agencies to better define CISO responsibilities and surveys CISOs on the biggest challenges to their authority.

Digital Government

18F, USDS lack performance and accountability measures

The U.S. Digital Service and 18F lack the ability to assess whether they have achieved their goals and hold themselves accountable, according to GAO.

Digital Government

Cruz seeks to block internet transition

Sen. Ted Cruz is leading an effort to stop a long-standing U.S. plan to cede control of an aspect of global internet architecture.


Touhill outlines skills he wants from IT workforce

New U.S. CISO Greg Touhill discussed the skills he believes the cybersecurity workforce should have and offered advice for the next administration.


Managing the transition

A new report from the Partnership for Public Service wants the next administration to treat government as an integrated enterprise and tap the existing talent pool.

Digital Government

How agencies plan to improve customer service

Federal agencies are increasingly looking to the private sector for tips on how to improve customer experience.


GAO warns Census IT efforts are lagging

The Census Bureau may miss targets on a major IT modernization plan ahead of the 2020 population count, according to a GAO report.

Digital Government

GSA's Roth: TTS commissioner search is progressing

GSA Administrator Denise Roth hopes to have a "good sense" of the next Technology Transformation Service commissioner by the end of September and expects the next administration to build on digital services.


Chaffetz details where OPM went wrong, warns about future

The House oversight committee's Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) delivered an indictment of OPM's security and the protracted federal procurement process.


Where do Clinton and Trump stand on tech?

A new report from ITIF shows that Hillary Clinton has articulated more detailed policy positions on cybersecurity and innovation than has Republican rival Donald Trump.


FCC appoints senior tech adviser

Henning Schulzrinne will serve as senior adviser until the end of the year, when he will return to his former position of CTO.