
Oversight Committee investigates DHS senior staff for improper email practices

A House panel is probing 29 DHS senior officials, including Secretary Jeh Johnson, for allegedly violating a department-wide ban on personal email access at work.


DHS OIG slams USCIS on immigration IT

DHS Inspector General John Roth took a hard line on USCIS's lagging immigration benefits processing system in an audit that covered an 11-year cycle of IT shortcomings and agency resistance to independent examinations.


U.S. Digital Service team makes recruitment pitch at SXSW

CTO Megan Smith and USDS Director Haley Van Dyck tried to sell techies at the South by Southwest Interactive conference on public service careers.


FCC chief wants to expand privacy rules for broadband

The FCC circulated a new proposal March 10 that outlines Commissioner Tom Wheeler's plan to address what information Internet Service Providers can collect and share about their customers.


Can Obama’s cyber commission outlast his administration?

President Obama's recently announced Commission for Enhancing National Cybersecurity has ambitions to produce an actionable framework that will carry over to the next administration and seeks to invigorate a younger, more diverse cybersecurity workforce pipeline.


GAO cites progress and challenges on FDCCI

GAO said agencies have made progress on data center consolidation but lamented that some of them lack savings goals.


Lawmakers seek controls for access to geolocation data

The Department of Justice is resisting calls from some members of Congress to use warrants to access historical geolocation data.


Energy Dept. seeks $83M increase to harden grid against cyberattack

The Department of Energy has requested an $83 million increase in funding to modernize the US electrical grid, the largest increase for any DOE research and development initiative.


Can the FDA secure medical devices?

Regulators and industry face the daunting challenge of keeping medical devices online while protecting against cyberthreats.


Cyberwar keeps CIA's Brennan up at night

CIA Director John Brennan said a terrorist attack on American soil is inevitable, the Paris attack resulted from a "failure of intelligence" and the growing threat of cyberwarfare is "the thing that keeps me up at night."

Digital Government

FTC in no rush to regulate Internet of Things

Consumer privacy and security are major concerns, but FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny said the agency is not likely to issue prescriptive regulations.


Obama bemoans obsolete tech in budget request

The president put the federal government's portfolio of aging IT systems front and center in his final budget request to Congress.

Digital Government

House bill would repeal open data requirements in financial reporting

Lawmakers rejected efforts by open data advocates to amend a financial reporting bill to retain regulatory requirements to file company data in machine-readable form.


New bill seeks to remove roadblocks to telehealth

A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced the CONNECT for Health Act to increase access to telehealth services and reduce costs.


IG wants Secret Service to modernize its radio gear

The DHS inspector general said the Secret Service's outdated radio systems could affect its ability to protect the president and other high-ranking national officials.


GAO frets about ambiguity in Data Act standards

The Government Accountability Office says some data element definitions offered by Treasury and OMB are potentially unclear, inconsistent and open to interpretation.

Digital Government

FTC releases online tools to cope with identity theft

The Federal Trade Commission made major renovations to its website, hoping to help victims recover more quickly.


OPM adds new cyber education program for feds and families

The federal government is looking to fill its own cybersecurity needs by offering discounted online degree programs.


Broadcasting Board of Governors lacks cyber reporting system, IG says

The State Department's inspector general criticized the Broadcasting Board of Governors for failing to meet federal standards in cyber incident response.


U.S. discloses zero-day exploitation practices

The government officially revealed that it uses undisclosed vulnerabilities in commercial software for surveillance and offensive cyber purposes.