Digital Government

Khanna looks to spruce up online government services

Freshman congressman Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) has already introduced a bill to give federal websites a facelift and has rolled out 10 principles on data privacy as the "Internet Bill of Rights."

Digital Government

Taking point on FOIA

Requesters tasked the U.S. with a record 1 million FOIA requests for fiscal year 2018, but while getting in the front door is easier than ever, getting responses is still a grind.


Agencies still queueing for TMF funds

While Congress has yet to fund the Modernizing Government Technology Act for FY2019, agencies continue to submit project for consideration this year.


At OPM, Weichert pushes direct hire, pay agent changes

Margaret Weichert, now acting director of the Office of Personnel Management, is clearing agencies to make direct hires in IT, cyber and other tech fields and is changing pay for specialized occupations.


Weichert: Workforce issues stall IT modernization, data progress

Now acting head of the Office of Personnel Management, Margaret Weichert laid out her priorities for the workforce and the commercialization of federal data.


What the OPM shakeup means for the agency's planned merger with GSA

The abrupt departure of Jeff Tien Han Pon as director of the Office of Personnel Management was met with mixed levels of surprise, but some believe his being replaced will accelerate organization and policy changes.


Director Jeff Pon out at OPM

Margaret Weichert, the Office of Management and Budget's deputy director for management, will be taking on a second role: acting director of the Office of Personnel Management, replacing Jeff Pon.


OPM targets improved job satisfaction scores

The Office of Personnel Management is targeting low employee performance and engagement scores within agencies and setting milestones for action.


House Republicans agree to give feds pay raise

The Trump administration had proposed a pay freeze on federal civilian wages in fiscal year 2019, but after the Senate passed a bill including a 1.9 percent raise for feds, House appropriators have followed suit.


SSA nominee 'scared to death' of legacy IT systems

Andrew Saul, President Trump's pick to head the Social Security Administration, plans to make IT modernization, data sharing and cybersecurity top priorities.

Digital Government

Think tank alums look to build tech expertise for Congress

A new private-sector resource hub is hoping to reverse Congress' declining institutional knowledge of technology issues.


What will a national data privacy law look like?

Lawmakers and industry increasingly support a federal data privacy law, but the devil is in the details.


Hurd, Kelly look to codify, elevate federal CIO role

Two IT oversight leaders in Congress are looking to provide a legislative boost to the federal CIO and CISO roles.


HUD next in line for Centers of Excellence support

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is using the GSA's Centers of Excellence Initiative to develop a modernization plan.


Why HR must adapt to rise of AI, tech

The National Academy for Public Administration wants federal hiring and workforce management to adapt to modern technologies.


White House tilts from 'cloud first' to 'cloud smart'

In a new policy document, the Trump administration is looking to refresh its cloud strategy, taking a more flexible agency-by-agency approach and laying out a playbook for next 18 months.

Digital Government

Is social media ready for the 2018 elections?

Facebook and other firms have self-imposed regulations to address political advertising and misinformation, but the effectiveness of those steps remains untested.


What federal job automation looks like

As the Trump administration aims to drive efficiency and accuracy and eliminate "low-value work," agencies are starting to think about what aspects of their operations lend themselves to automation.

Digital Government

GAO: $15.6 billion census cost estimate not reliable

The Census Bureau bumped its lifecycle cost estimate for the 2020 count up to $15.6 billion last year -- more than $3 billion more than initially projected. But the GAO is, again, taking issue with the reliability of the estimate.

Digital Government

Lawmakers approve deal to keep government open until December

As part of a "minibus" funding bill lawmakers have agreed to extend the clock until after the midterm elections to keep the rest of government running at current funding levels as they continue deliberating on appropriations bills.