
Census grapples with IT and (now) paper challenges

In addition to questions over systems readiness and cybersecurity, the first-ever online census is now working to straighten out issues on the paper-based side of the decennial population count -- all against a ticking clock.


Civic Digital Fellows showcase a second year's work in Washington

Thirty-six students from across the country spent the summer tackling tech challenges that ranged from data transparency to website redesign to machine learning.

Digital Government

Social media use is booming in Congress. That has implications for the rest of government

With practically every member of Congress now on at least one social media platform, it’s easier than ever to reach legislators and influence their decision-making.


Agencies still lag in empowering their CIOs. What gives?

Despite legislation, other congressional pressures and a presidential executive order aimed at expanding the authorities of CIOs, most agencies still lack policies to make those requirements a reality.


Census details cyber strategies, awards last major IT contract

Census Bureau officials sought to address swirling concerns about what the agency is doing to protect sensitive response data and mitigate cyber risks.


Can the Technology Modernization Fund get traction?

With uncertainty about the fiscal year 2019 funding for the TMF, agencies are still vying for the remaining 2018 dollars, but concerns about using the central fund persist.


Trump announces nominee to head OSTP

Kelvin Droegemeier, an extreme-weather expert, is the president's pick for the long-vacant Office of Science and Technology Policy director's post.

Digital Government

White House's new R&D priorities include border tech, artificial intelligence and IoT

National security, wireless connectivity, manufacturing, energy, medical innovation and future tech top the administration’s research and development agenda for fiscal year 2020.

Digital Government

Clock ticks on census prep

As the clock ticks down to the 2020 census, lawmakers and watchdogs want to make sure the Census Bureau is on schedule to count the entire population.


Proposed OPM-GSA merger includes IT consolidation

As part of a proposed shift of most of OPM's function to GSA, officials plan a sharp consolidation of HR systems and the digitization of paper-based health and retirement records.


Federal unions push back against 'chaos'

In court, at agencies and at rallies, federal employee unions are battling what they're calling an unprecedented assault on the workforce.


The DATA Act compliance struggle is real

After more than a year's worth of DATA Act reporting, just six of the 24 CFO Act agencies submitted data agency watchdogs considered complete.


State of evidence-based policymaking under Trump: 'Bad'

Former officials say a bipartisan movement to support the use of statistical evidence in government policymaking isn't advancing under the Trump administration despite big-name legislative backing.


MSPB inches closer to addressing massive backlog

A Senate panel advanced three nominees to serve on the Merit Systems Protection Board, a step towards ending the board's longest-ever period without a quorum.


Senior fed is Trump's pick to lead Census Bureau

Steven Dillingham, director of the Office of Strategic Information, Research, and Planning at the Peace Corps, was nominated to lead the Census Bureau through 2021.


House panel approves bill to expedite fed firings

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee advanced a bill that would make it easier to fire federal employees for poor performance or misconduct.

Digital Government

Is Congress expanding its knowledge to meet oversight demands?

Another Hill hearing on social media shows members and staff struggling to keep pace with the knowledge required to do oversight on technology topics.


Cybersecurity experts worry about census data

A group of former senior cybersecurity officials want the Census Bureau to be more transparent about plans to protect population survey data.


GAO wants better data, more workforce planning for government reorg

The administration's proposed changes have the potential to save money long-term, but Congress' investigative arm wants to make sure the plan takes previous reorg attempts into account.


Senators vexed by slow pace of Spectre/Meltdown disclosures

At a Senate hearing, lawmakers expressed frustration about delays in notifying government about the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities, and they want to see a change industry's approach after discovering flaws.