Digital Government

TSA lacks technology to meet air cargo screening goal

Lawmaker says Congress might have to take steps to help the agency reach a August 2010 deadline to screen all cargo transported on passenger planes for weapons of mass destruction.


House-Senate dispute looms over cybersecurity authority

Aides in the Senate criticize idea of moving responsibility for cybersecurity to a new White House Office that has yet to be created.


Officials lack policy for taking cyber war offensive

Policymakers struggle with privacy, access and civil liberty issues involved.


Cybersecurity panel places hill oversight on back burner

While committee decided to focus on recommendations the executive branch can implement, some experts feel time is right for congressional overhaul as well.

Digital Government

DHS launches effort to find illegal immigrants in jails

Program will allow local law enforcement agencies to automatically compare fingerprints of their prisoners against FBI criminal databases and DHS immigration databases.

Digital Government

TSA announces final rule for watch list screening

The Secure Flight program is expected to reduce the number of airline passengers incorrectly identified as being on terrorist watch lists.

Digital Government

Economic outlook bright for biometrics, ID card industries

U.S. public has tuned into value of using DNA for security because of shows like CBS' "CSI"

Digital Government

Airlines expect trouble with passenger screening program

Critics of TSA's Secure Flight say the program could harm international relations, disrupt travel and create more confusion for carriers.

Digital Government

Short-term extension of E-Verify sets up big 2009 battle

Provision in continuing resolution extends program to March 6, only 45 days after the new president takes office.


New manager takes on troubled border security program

Air Force Col. Mark Borkowski said he will determine if SBInet has the right management structure, authorities and personnel, and will review whether Boeing is the right contractor for the program.

Digital Government

Homeland Security authorization bill falls by the wayside

This year is the first the committee has not passed such a bill since 2004.