
Report bolsters limited NMCI testing

Center for Naval Analyses report says additional testing will produce significant costs but little extra assurance

Digital Government

Navy defends purchase card numbers

Reports of purchase card fraud at two Navy facilities are overblown, according to Navy officials, who said they are moving quickly to ensure that money is being spent correctly.

Digital Government

DOD ripped on 'backdoor spending'

The Defense Department may have used 'bogus adjustments to conjure up billions of dollars in backdoor spending'


Payment due despite NMCI delays

The dispute over how NMCI will be certified could have severe financial penalties for the Navy

Digital Government

FBI nominee pledges IT upgrade

Robert Mueller promises to fix bureau's antiquated information systems, revise procedures


Navy defends purchase card use

GAO finds lack of proper controls over the use of purchase cards at two Navy facilities


NASA launches workstation bonanza

NASA has selected eight companies for its $4 billion SEWP III

Digital Government

Andersen hired to probe FBI systems, operations

Just weeks after Attorney General John Ashcroft announced plans to conduct a comprehensive review of the FBI, the Justice Department has hired Andersen to delve into the bureau's organization and operations, including its antiquated computer systems.


GSA splits PC seat work

General Services Administration has decided to divide responsibilities for managing desktop computers by hiring one vendor for hardware and software and another for desktop services

Digital Government

Justice creates units to combat cybercrime

Ten specialized prosecutorial units dedicated to fighting cybercrime are being created by the Justice Department.

Digital Government

Ashcroft taps privacy watchdog

Attorney General John Ashcroft named a chief privacy officer for the Justice Department last week, a move that was widely expected.


DOD 'backdoor spending' blasted

Financial management woes may have resulted in $615 million in inappropriate or illegal spending

Digital Government

Bill clamps down on Carnivore

Appropriations bill calls for details of Carnivore use, creation of a deputy IG to monitor FBI

Digital Government

Privacy chief picked at Justice

Associate deputy attorney general Dan Collins will advise department officials on privacy issues

Digital Government

Grants go to coordinate crime data

Justice funds will help federal, state and local authorities share crime information more effectively

Digital Government

Justice creating cybercrime units

Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property units will focus on hightech crimes

Digital Government

DEA picks vendor for Firebird intranet work

The Drug Enforcement Administration has selected PEC Solutions Inc. to spearhead improvements to its Firebird intranet.

Digital Government

Missing laptops steam lawmakers

It wasn't until last year that the FBI began using a system to keep track of its 13,000 laptop computers

Digital Government

Thrift board dumps, sues AMS

The acrimonious relationship between American Management Systems Inc. and the board that oversees the Thrift Savings Plan turned to cinders last week when the board fired AMS and filed a $350 million suit alleging fraud.

Digital Government

Andersen picked for FBI review

Justice has selected Andersen to conduct a comprehensive review of the FBI, including its antiquated computer systems