
Commerce gives CIOs clout

Restructuring plan gives agency IT leaders more budget, workforce authority

Digital Government

Taking tech for granted

A congressional panel this month debated whether a Commerce Department program that funds risky commercial research and development projects fosters private- sector innovation or hinders university research.

Digital Government

GPRA poses problems

Managing for results is still a struggle for many agencies, according to a new General Accounting Office report.


Commerce overhauls IT structure

Plan gives more clout to CIOs over information technology budgets, expenses and employees

Digital Government

NSF research funding called inadequate

Lawmakers plan to push for more funding for the National Science Foundation to ensure that essential research and development is not curtailed.

Digital Government

Benefits, risks of ATP weighed

A congressional panel tackles the merits and effectiveness of the Advanced Technology Program


Agencies struggling with GPRA

GAO report details the challenges 28 agencies are having managing for results


OPM revamps IT job family

New management series designed to target 'what people actually do'


OPM releases new IT job family

The new GS-2200 job family covers administrative work in the IT group

Digital Government

NSF funding called inadequate

Lawmakers want to ensure that essential research and development is not curtailed


GSA moves ahead with reverse auctions

GSA plans to award a governmentwide contract for its Buyers.Gov program


Fed IT job classification imminent

The GS-2200 job family is expected to improve government management of IT workforce


PTO taps new CIO

Bourgeois comes to agency from FedEx


Enlisting cyberdefenders

NSF funds information security scholarships


DOD preps security scholarships

Details coming soon on program to recruit and retain information security professionals


NSF funds infosec scholarships

NSF awards $8.6 million to six schools in the first round of its Scholarship for Service program

Digital Government

Health Passport on the move

Governors association maps expansion of Health Passport Project


OMB seeks workforce analysis

Agencies must submit workforce analysis and restructuring plans to help make government more 'citizen-centric.'


Military, VA get smart

DOD and VA last week announced advances in their smart card programs.

Digital Government

VA expanding smart card pilot

About 50,000 VA employees may receive smart cards this year through a pilot program