Digital Government

CIO Council issues guidelines to fight federal software piracy

A committee for the CIO Council released model guidelines today that will help agencies comply with last year's executive order on computer software chief information officers to handle future information technology problems, according to the CIO Council.

Digital Government

CIO Council to rethink commercial standards

The CIO Council is creating a working group to look at how the government can make better use of the technical standards created by private industry, according to a member of the council.

Digital Government

Coast Guard launches search/rescue site

The Coast Guard recently launched a World Wide Web site that highlights one of the agency's oldest missions: the search and rescue of boaters in distress. As the Search and Rescue (SAR) home page ( explains, the Coast Guard's response to a boater in distress involv

Digital Government

Bill proposes farm forms go digital

A recently introduced bill would require the Agriculture Department to create an electronic filing and retrieval system so that farmers could submit required paperwork via the Internet instead of on paper. Rep. Ray LaHood (RIll.) last month introduced the Farm Electronic Filing Report Act (H.R. 85

Digital Government

FAA's next Y2K hurdle: Reinstalling compliant systems

Although the Federal Aviation Administration has progressed in fixing Year 2000 problems, the agency faces a considerable challenge in installing Year 2000compliant systems, according to the General Accounting Office and the FAA's inspector general.

Digital Government

NetManage introduces host access suite

NetManage Inc. last week announced a new product line that will provide Microsoft Corp. Windows desktop users with direct access to information stored on different host computers. It also will provide the ability to centrally manage and administer users. The product suite, called ViewNow for Micros

Digital Government

FAA puts maintenance system in holding pattern

Lack of funding and unclear requirements have forced the Federal Aviation Administration to stop fullscale development on a contract potentially worth $100 million for a computer system to track the maintenance of the nation's air traffic control system. The FAA recently informed contractor Raythe

Digital Government

FAA updates plan for modernizing nation's air system

The Federal Aviation Administration today released a longawaited updated version of its plan to modernize the National Airspace System (NAS), which includes air traffic control towers, radar, and communications and navigation systems.

Digital Government

Commerce Commits to small biz

In a move aimed at diverting more federal information technology contracts to small businesses, the Commerce Department last week released a solicitation worth as much as $1.5 billion for a governmentwide information technology support services contract for small businesses. Commerce unveiled late

Digital Government

IG slams FAA data link costs, sked

Another key component of the Federal Aviation Administration's program to modernize air traffic control is off track, according to a Transportation Department inspector general's report released late last month. The inspector general projects that Controller/Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC),

Digital Government

Entevo unveils tools for directory migration

Startup company Entevo Corp. last week unveiled additions to its product suite designed to help users migrate to Microsoft Corp.'s Active Directory product and simplify crossplatform directory management. Entevo's DirectManage product suite is aimed at easing the shift toward directorycentric co

Digital Government

Feds ramp up Gigabit Ethernet use

By most accounts, 1999 will be the year Gigabit Ethernet will become more widely used throughout government. Late last summer, the industry ratified a standard for this highspeed networking technology. Vendors such as Cisco Systems Inc. have begun to offer products based on this standard. Noting t

Digital Government

DOT offers agencies option for security

Anticipating a shift in focus toward security services and away from Year 2000, the Transportation Department plans to establish an office that will offer agencies governmentwide security services ranging from risk analysis to how to recover from a cyberattack. DOT's Transportation Administrative

Digital Government

FAA, NASA may work closer on research efforts

Rep. Connie Morella (RMd.), chairwoman of the Technology Subcommittee of the House Science Committee, said today she is considering adding language to the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill to better coordinate FAA and NASA research and development efforts.

Digital Government

Commerce plans mega IT pact for small businesses

The Commerce Department next week plans to release a solicitation worth at least $500 million for a governmentwide information technology support services contract that is set aside exclusively for small businesses.

Digital Government

3Com lobbyists to focus on broadband, E-Rate, encryption

3Com Corp. today officially opened its government affairs office in Washington, D.C., and said it will immediately begin trying to influence legislation dealing with the deployment of advanced/broadband technologies, the Education Rate program to wire schools and libraries, and encryption.

Digital Government

USPS can't promise mail delivery won't encounter Y2K bugs

The U.S. Postal Service's top technology officer told a House panel today that he could not promise that the agency will not encounter Year 2000 problems in its computer systems that would disrupt mail delivery next year.

Digital Government

HDS introduces high-endfault-tolerant mainframes

Hitachi Data Systems Corp. today announced a line of mainframe systems targeted at large enterprises that require a high degree of fault tolerance. The Hitachi Skyline Trinium, which at 3,200 million instructions per second (MIPS) has twice the processing power of its predecessor, is the first Syst

Digital Government

Vendor to offer training via Internet

Distancelearning vendor PBS The Business Channel plans next month to kick off the first in a suite of training courses that it will deliver over the Internet directly to federal and commercial users' desktops. Currently, The Business Channel, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Public Broadcasting Se

Digital Government

Census OKs Web filing test

Despite early security concerns, the Census Bureau last week confirmed that it will allow people to file census forms over the Internet during the next national head count, following a successful pilot this spring. Census said it plans to offer citizens who receive the standard census form the opti