Digital Government

GSA promises faster payment if vendors go electronic

To encourage more vendors to use electronic commerce, the General Services Administration last month said that for some contracts, the agency will pay vendors 20 days sooner if they agree to process orders and invoices electronically. Under the interim rule published in the Federal Register, GSA wi

Digital Government

Troubled weather-forecasting system gets go ahead

ate last month Commerce Department Secretary William Daley gave the goahead for full deployment of a system designed to improve weather warnings and shortterm forecasts.

Digital Government

FAA, industry team on LAAS

In an effort to reduce development costs and risks, the Federal Aviation Administration will work closely with industry to develop the specifications of a new satellitebased program that will help planes make precision landings at airports under inclement weather conditions. The LocalArea Augment

Digital Government

USPS unveils first online postage software, more to come

The U.S. Postal Service last week demonstrated the first approved Internetbased product that allows users to print postage from their PCs. A small group of users in the Washington, D.C., area will begin to test EStamp Corp.'s EStamp Internet Postage software, which will allow the group to log on

Digital Government

Compaq enters Gigabit Ethernet switch market

Compaq Computer Corp., best known for its servers and personal computers, entered the Gigabit Ethernet market last week with the introduction of two switches that it says will increase bandwidth on agency networks. Compaq already sells hubs, routers and other products that support Ethernet, Fast Et

Digital Government

Friendlier Skies

It was a bright, sunny morning a good day for flying, Capt. Ross Sagun thought as he boarded the 737 and took his seat in the cockpit. Sagun anticipated a smooth trip from Las Vegas to Denver, and he and the crew prepared for departure. Sagun received clearance from the control tower and taxied t

Digital Government

GAO says software fix needed for 2000 census

The Census Bureau still must solve numerous problems before it conducts the 2000 census, according to a General Accounting Office report released today.

Digital Government

Fed Reserve gets translation software

The Federal Reserve System recently acquired software from Bottomline Technologies Inc. that will help small banks meet the government's electronic funds transfer mandate. Bottomline's electronic data interchange (EDI) translation software will be used by about 12,000 financial institutions, which

Digital Government

DOD extends vendor registration deadline

Partly due to industry's sluggish response, the Defense Department has extended the deadline for companies to register in a central database that eventually is expected to play a key role in allowing the department to conduct business electronically. DOD issued a proposed rule last September direct

Digital Government

VINES grows new functions, Y2K compliance

Banyan Systems Inc. this week is announcing a new version of its VINES network operating system that provides current users with a onestep upgrade to new features and Year 2000 compliance. VINES 8.5 is the first in a series of Year 2000compliant products expected from Banyan's Year 2000 Readiness

Digital Government

Census accuracy counts on automated offices

The Census Bureau plans to release March 30 a solicitation for hardware, software and integration services that will automate about 520 temporary remote offices set up to support the 2000 census. Under the estimated $100 million Automation Infrastructure for the Local Census Offices program, the Ce

Digital Government

Former professor lands at NTSB

Jumping into the Washington, D.C., political scene from academic life in rural South Dakota may sound like quite a culture shock. But Vernon Ellingstad, director of the Office of Research and Engineering at the National Transportation Safety Board, said the transition has gone smoothly for him. 'In

Digital Government

Two reports urge feds and industry to cooperate on EC

A pair of recently released documents on electronic commerce provide agencies with a road map to speed up the rate at which EC is used in government. In a strategic plan sent to Congress this month, the Office of Management and Budget recommended that by 2001 all federal agencies use commercial off

Digital Government

USDA details plan, systems to rein in mismanaged telecom

The Agriculture Department, longcriticized for mismanaging its telecommunications systems, is one step closer to building an enterprisewide network that should help the agency control the hundreds of millions of dollars it spends on telecom every year. At the TeleStrategies conference last week, t

Digital Government

Report: NWS' key modernization project to cost hundreds of millions more

The National Weather Service's Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System may cost millions more than what was anticipated a couple years ago, according to a report that was discussed at a House hearing today.

Digital Government

OMB report urges agencies to use commercial EC products

As expected, the Office of Management and Budget this week sent Congress a strategic plan for electronic commerce that encourages agencies to take advantage of new technologies such as the Internet.

Digital Government

FAA works with controllers to solve unsafe STARS design

The Federal Aviation Administration is closer to solving what air traffic controllers describe as hazardous design flaws in the new computer equipment and software the agency plans to install in airport control towers nationwide, FAA administrator Jane Garvey told a House committee yesterday.

Digital Government

Secure Messaging

Many products and technologies are available today that allow agencies to secure electronic messages, but sifting through the wave of offerings to find the best fit for a particular need can be a daunting task. Add to that secure messaging standards that are still in development and a federal publi

Digital Government

Bill would give USDA CIO greater IT spending latitude

A bill that would give Agriculture Department chief information officer Anne Thompson Reed more authority over how the department spends its $1.2 billion in information technology funding has cleared its first hurdle.

Digital Government

FAA requests $388M to test advanced air traffic control

Despite concerns about its broader modernization program, the Federal Aviation Administration last week underscored to Congress the importance of funding a $388 million program to test how a revolutionary method of air traffic management works in real life.