Digital Government

NASA Ranks as the Best Place to Work in Government for Eighth Year

Partnership for Public Service notes a “modest drop in employee engagement” overall across government.  

Digital Government

Experts Praise New Acquisition Workforce Training Requirements

The “significant” provisions will align the public and private sectors, said one.

Digital Government

Defense IG Will Review Recent $400 Million Border Wall Contract

Key House lawmaker asked for the review, citing possible improper influence by the Trump administration. 


Defense Policy Bill Establishes a Defense Civilian Training Corps

The corps will address “critical skills gaps” in the department’s workforce.

Digital Government

Maryland Senator Says President is the 'Wild Card' in Spending Negotiations 

While Democrats and Republicans negotiate on appropriations, it’s unclear how the president will react. 

Digital Government

IG Says It Is Helping Return As Much As $5.9 Billion to the Government

The anticipated recoveries of misspent health program dollars would be the result of the HHS watchdog's work in fiscal 2019.

Digital Government

Maloney Takes On Oversight Committee Chairmanship at a Critical Time

“It’s an incredibly difficult time to forecast the role of oversight on Capitol Hill,” says one expert.

Digital Government

Defense Department Fails Its Second Audit, Yet Is Making Progress

This was only the second audit completed for the Pentagon since a 1990 law required them.


Election Commission Needs More Authority In Face of 2020 Threats, Report Finds

“The federal government regulates colored pencils . . . more strictly than it does America’s election infrastructure,” the nonpartisan Brennan Center notes.

Digital Government

Trump Revokes Obama Order That Had Limited Hiring Options for Some Contractors

Contracting experts had been critical of the lack of flexibility for managers under a rule requiring certain companies to hire employees from their predecessors. 

Digital Government

How Five Federal Agencies Fostered Innovation

New report showcases initiatives including a procurement lab and virtual internship program. 

Digital Government

Republican Senators Introduce Bill to Relocate Major Federal Agencies Outside of D.C.

Ninety-percent of positions in 10 departments would be moved to economically distressed areas.  

Digital Government

Federal Employees Lose a Powerful Advocate With Death of Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings

The Oversight and Reform chairman was a “fierce advocate for the public interest,” one observer says.

Digital Government

OMB Touts Money and Time Saved From Regulatory Cuts, Eliminating Busywork

President’s management agenda update highlights 100 “burden-reducing” initiatives. 

Digital Government

Report: IRS Should Have an Official In Charge of Customer Experience

The agency could also improve its website and share more feedback, analysts conclude in first-of-its-kind report.

Digital Government

It’s Finally Here: GSA’s New Consolidated Schedule

The solicitation will begin the process of turning 24 award schedules into a single contracting vehicle for products and services.