Digital Government

Prices plummet; buyers to benefit

Federal PC shoppers this summer will find that computers are loaded with far more memory at lower prices than ever before. Just a year ago, the typical PC had 8M of dynamic RAM (DRAM) installed, but now 16M is looking skimpy as many federal buyers opt for 32M. The reason? DRAM prices have collapsed

Digital Government

Gateway 2000 creates point man for fed sales

When Gateway 2000 Inc. decided to enter the federal market in 1994, it secured a General Services Administration multipleaward schedule. When it upped its commitment to the market earlier this year, it hired Jim Connal. Connal, managing director of federal sales for Gateway 2000, is a veteran of t

Digital Government

Positioning critical to CIO success

Agency chief information officers will need seats at the table where policy and strategy are formulated, as well as the power to carry through on decisions made, if the push to create effective CIOs governmentwide is to succeed, according to a new report. The most critical factor to the CIOs' event

Digital Government

Agencies zoom into new video tech

Federal agencies will soon be able to buy notebook computers that can display fullmotion, TVquality video for training, videoconferencing and security monitoring applications. Until now, most computers have used decompression software to show small, halting video images. But a new specification s

Digital Government

Compaq notebooks headed for Portable-1

Last week's PC Expo in New York was the forum for Compaq Computer Corp. to announce its new Armada Pentium notebook computers, which will replace the company's older Contura models on Government Technology Services Inc.'s Army Portable1 contract. The Armada positions Compaq and GTSI to benefit fro

Digital Government

Vendors announce 200 MHz Pentiums

Intel Corp. cranked its Pentium processor one more notch to 200 MHz last week, and several PC vendors immediately announced new models using the chip. The speed boost is expected to be the chip's last as the Pentium Pro gains popularity. Advanced Logic Research Inc., Dell Computer Corp., Gateway 20

Digital Government

PACT contract goes to three 8(a) small-business vendors

The Federal Emergency Management Agency next month will award the $30 million Program for Acquisition of Current Technology (PACT) contract to three 8(a) smallbusiness vendors, who will compete for the quick delivery of desktop PC and localarea network products. Award winners are Government Micro

Digital Government

Nexar picks GTSI as exclusive reseller

Nexar Technologies Inc., a new PC maker run by former Leading Edge Products Inc. executives, has tapped Government Technology Services Inc. as its exclusive federal reseller. The company's products are designed to make a PC's processor, memory and hard disk drive the most expensive elements of a

Digital Government

NEAT system tracks Earth-threatening asteroids

Like a plot from a sciencefiction movie, NASA and the Air Force have collaborated to develop an automated computer system that scans the skies for asteroids and comets that might be on a collision course with the Earth. The Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) system takes the place of spotty, manu

Digital Government

IDP refreshes Justice Notebook, Army Portable-1

International Data Products Corp. has replaced its venerable 486 notebook computer offerings on the Justice Department's Notebook and the Army's Portable1 contracts with allnew Pentium PCI bus multimedia systems. The company's strategy has been to stick with the same basic unit for as long as pos

Digital Government

South Korea listing boosts supplies

Federal PC buyers can expect lower prices and better supplies for some key components, such as monitors, because of the recent addition of the Republic of South Korea to the list of approved countries under the Trade Agreements Act. Also, effective at the beginning of 1996, Singapore and Hong Kong

Digital Government

Apple unveils lower-priced models

Apple Computer Inc. may be taking its lumps these days, but government Macintosh fans have reasons to rejoice, with the recent introduction of faster, lowerpriced models and new additions to Government Technology Services Inc.'s General Services Administration schedule. The new Apple machines use

Digital Government

70 A contract holders get one-year extensions

Running short of time on negotiations for fiveyear Schedule 70 A contracts, the General Services Administration will announce May 6 that it is extending all current contracts for a year. GSA will also have an "open season" that will allow noncontract holders to join the program and let current c

Digital Government

New plastic design makes Dell machines Earth-friendly

With its eye on future needs, Dell Computer Corp. has announced a new plastic cabinet design for its PCs that is easily recyclable. It can be opened without tools and takes little effort to break apart for recycling. So far the government has not issued purchasing requirements based on recyclabilit

Digital Government

Momentum builds for Pentium successors

Federal demand for the latest crop of microprocessors the socalled "sixth generation" chips succeeding the Pentium is slowly building and may experience its first surge this summer. The key competitors in this market are Intel Corp. with its Pentium Pro chip and Cyrix Corp with its 6x86 pr

Digital Government

Gateway 2000 unveils Destination presentation system at FOSE

Gateway 2000 this week will show federal customers its new Destination multimedia presentation system at FOSE. Destination is a 120 MHz PC that is packaged to serve groups of users instead of a single user. It comes with a Mitsubishi 31inch monitor, TV tuner, wireless keyboard and mouse, a sixspe

Digital Government

Dell, Panasonic debut notebooks

Dell Computer Corp. and Panasonic Personal Computer Co. this week will both debut new 133 MHz Pentiumbased notebook computers at the FOSE trade show. Dell will introduce the latest generation of its highend Latitude XPi notebook family. The new products retain a familiar appearance and compatibil

Digital Government

GTSI expands NIH product line

Government Technology Services Inc. has expanded its product offerings on the National Institutes of Health Electronic Computer Store contract. GTSI has added computers from Dell Computer Corp., Apple Computer Inc. and Sun Microsystems Inc. to the contract. The additions will provide buyers access

Digital Government

70 B/C renewals move quickly for most firms

The General Services Administration has wrapped up negotiations for its 70 B/C microcomputer schedules earlier than usual, with most vendors having already signed new contracts by late last week. "Normally it can be difficult negotiating, but it wasn't like that at all," said Kim Bradbury, Compaq

Digital Government

Hewlett-Packard unveils improved Color LaserJet

HewlettPackard Co. last week announced a dramatically improved color laser printer, which will soon be available through the General Services Administration schedule. HP's Color LaserJet 5 replaces the company's Color LaserJet product, released in 1994. The product, like its predecessor, employs a