Digital Government

Eucom tabs Anteon for news site

Anteon will develop a Web site carrying news and information of interest to southeastern Europe


Joint Staff portal work under way

SI International will be the prime contractor in developing the Joint Staff?s Enterprise Portal


Hill panel settles on DOD funding

Focus is on improving DOD's ability to collect, share and analyze information

Digital Government

NSA taps SAIC for Trailblazer

NSA's Trailblazer initiative is moving from the planning stages to development


Total asset visibility is the goal

U.S. Transportation Command's Global Transportation Network 21 should help commanders make operational decisions faster


A new outlook on logistics

Links to other DOD systems help Air Force track flow of cargo and people


Army IT jobs under scrutiny

Transformation spurs privatization of civilian workforce


GAO dismisses DREN protests

GAO dismissed a pair of protests contesting the award of the Defense Research Engineering Network


DOD appropriations progress

Conference report recommendations include funding for numerous C4ISR programs

Digital Government

NIMA awards map production deal

Agency buys 500 licenses for software to create cartographic-quality maps from GIS data


DOD grant funds cyberterror research

Carnegie Mellon receives a grant to develop technologies and policies focused on combating cyberterrorism


Info strategy challenges Air Force

CIO calls knowledge management one of the top challenges among the Air Force's nine information strategy goals


Army looking to outsource

Army secretary says the service will 'privatize every non-core function' it can develop a good business case for

Digital Government

NIMA center to set geospatial standards

NCGIS reflects agency's new role as information resource


New DOD command faces culture snag

DOD launched the Northern Command last week, but the office faces major cultural and technical obstacles


When duty calls

Brenton Greene's priorities are the country's priorities


Army awards secure phones BPA

DOD officials will be able to exchange top-secret information securely over a commercial network

Digital Government

AFRL picks Anteon for IT support

Five-year task order is for IT support at the Sensors and Information Directorates at Wright-Patterson


Air Force picks CSC for space work

Computer Sciences Corp. to provide IT services for missile defense and other space-related missions

Digital Government

Geospatial center to oversee standards

NIMA planning center for geospatial intelligence standards, needed for interoperability on many levels