
Army IT strategy in the works

The Army has developed an acquisition strategy for its Enterprise Infostructure Transformation program


Army knowledge guidance due

Second knowledge management memo will detail goals for server and application reductions


NIMA looks to vendors

Contractors will outnumber feds at agency


Army proxy server closes Web back door

Army's proxy server can host its Web sites for public viewing without opening a back door for hackers


'Mannheim' to harden Army defense

The Army has concluded the first exercise of an initiative to improve its ability to defend against network attacks


Wireless priority set in D.C., NYC

VoiceStream gets subcontract to provide Wireless Priority Service for the two metro areas


Army releases major network RFP

The Army has released its RFP for the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical program


Harris to defend Army computers

A Harris Corp. vulnerability assessment tool will scan more than 1.5 million Army workstations


DOD sets e-learning course

An e-learning partnership may someday extend e-learning all the way to the foxhole


Spectrum challenges draw debate

Sen. Burns wants to scrap the piece-by-piece method that the United States uses to manage the wireless spectrum


Official: Army needs more tech to fight terror

The Army needs more unmanned aerial vehicles and other technology to support the war on terrorism, according to the service's senior intelligence officer

Digital Government

CyberWolf prowls for cyberalerts



Official: More tech needed vs. terror

'We just don't have enough UAVs' in Afghanistan, the Army's senior intelligence officer says


Army poised for Mannheim project

Project is designed to help the Army develop an integrated computer network defense in its IT transformation


Senator working on spectrum legislation

Montana Sen. Conrad Burns wants to change the piecemeal approach to spectrum allocations


NIMA contractors gaining on feds

Director says agency is bringing back many retiring employees as contractors, contributing to trend


VoiceStream granted wireless waiver

The FCC has granted a temporary waiver to VoiceStream that will enable the launch of a wireless priority access service


Guard, U.K. make e-learning pact

National Guard announces first ever e-learning partnership laboratory with an international partner


Lack of public safety protections concerns commissioners

Two FCC members voiced concerns about the temporary waiver to VoiceStream


WorldCom captures research net deal

DISA awarded WorldCom the contract to deliver high-speed networking services to the Defense Department's scientific and research communities