
DISA awards Pacific networking deal

Getronics wins contract to support networks that link training and operations sites in the Pacific region


Air Force launches IT purchasing site

AFWay is an online system for purchasing and tracking IT products through a single, seamless process


NIMA contract aimed to advance tech

Rosettex will work on the advancement and commercialization of technologies for the National Technology Alliance


Army gearing up for transformation

DOD is poised to award a contract that will serve as the centerpiece for an initiative known as Objective Force


Data mining aims at national security

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is in the midst of an internal makeover

Digital Government

DARPA builds open-source rankings

DARPA is funding a project to develop a Web-based rating system for volunteer auditors that will grade them based on the amount of open-source code they examine and the number of security holes they identify


Army looks to reduce risk

The Army is performing ?probability of success? assessments on all of its programs


Objective Force coming into focus

From the AUSA Winter Symposium: Gen. Shinseki said the next two years would begin to define the transformed Army


Hurdles in Army transformation ID'd

From the AUSA Winter Symposium: Time, money, culture, tech all obstacles for Army transformation


Army adds success assessments

From the AUSA Winter Symposium: Added dimension in risk-reduction fits with the vision of the Objective Force


Transforming tech on display

From the AUSA Winter Symposium: Exhibits range from unmanned aerial vehicles to body armor to thermal imaging


Soldier nanotechnology set for study

The Army is picking a university for a $50 million program to establish the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies


Army transformation relies on tech

Science and technology will enable the transformation to the Objective Force, Army leaders say


Army aggressive on tech spending

Leaders see funds focused on transformation to the Objective Force, with legacy systems phasing out


GAO: Air Force planning on course

Its short- and long-term prospects for its science and tech program are on target


Air Force, Congress track missile program

An Air Force missile detection system has come under scrutiny at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill


DARPA boosts info awareness

New office, led by former Reagan adviser, will use technology and information to mount defense against terrorism


DOD explores training 'vignettes'

Web-based training system is aimed at eliminating the 'dead space' in traditional programs


Lewis: Keep defense IT on track

Chairman of Defense Subcommittee says the DOD IT budget marks progress, but it must continue


Air Force transforming space ops

The Air Force is launching several initiatives focused on a transformation of space operations related to national security