Digital Government

Banyan 'restarts' as ePresence

Banyan Worldwide, which once produced the dominant network operating system in the federal space, announced today that it has changed its name to ePresence Inc. and has become an eservices firm


A computer for every fed

Rep. Elijah Cummings (DMd.) plans to introduce legislation today that would provide a free computer and Internet access to up to 1.8 million federal employees


Oracle Launches E-gov Initiative

Oracle Corp., one of the world's largest software providers, has launched a global initiative aimed at helping governments go electronic.

Digital Government

Va. Beach Schools Tune in to More Opportunity

A successful distance-learning pilot program at three Virginia Beach, Va., high schools prompted the local school board to expand the program to all 10 of the city's high schools.


Measuring success

Despite the training-related problems, SOAR has achieved most of its goals.


FreeMarkets, AMS Focus on Public Sector

FreeMarkets Inc., an online auction marketplace, has joined forces with American Management Systems Inc. to create a public-sector procurement venture.

Digital Government

Health agency targets medical errors with Internet tools

The Health Resources Services Administration last week unveiled an initiative to improve health care in HRSAfunded community health centers by providing physicians with Internetbased electronic document tools.

Digital Government

HCFA moves cautiously toward financial fix

In a critique that could be directed at any number of federal agencies, General Accounting Office officials said that an inadequate and outdated financial management system is hindering the Health Care Financing Administration's ability to manage one of its key programs. Like a growing number of other agencies, HCFA is looking to an offtheshelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) system as a solution.


D.C. tries to SOAR

Personnel Training Impedes Progress of Otherwise Model System

Digital Government

Tool Trains Teachers to Handle Violence

Several schools in San Antonio, Texas, will serve as pilots for a high-tech approach to curb school violence.

Digital Government

Kansas State Tries Internet Election

More than 19,000 students at Kansas State University had a chance to cast online ballots in mid-March to elect their student body government.

Digital Government

Utah Stakes Privacy Position

State Portal Offers Privacy Statement to Ease People's Fears About Using Online Tools

Digital Government

Breaking down privacy policies

The Utah portal's privacy statement defines personally identifiable information as 'any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual who is the subject of the information.'

Digital Government

Intel Hopes Kids go 'Clubbing'

Youth interested in using computers will soon be able to do so at after-school 'clubhouses.'


More States Join

Maine, New Mexico and Massachusetts recently joined, a free national search engine that helps people find lost assets and unclaimed property.

Digital Government

Ga. Trying for Quicker Twister Warnings

Technologies designed to improve tornado-warning times for Georgia citizens are operating in three Atlanta locations.

Digital Government

Pa. Project to Overhaul Policing

The Pennsylvania State Police has selected Lockheed Martin Corp. to serve as the systems integrator for a program that will incorporate computers into every facet of the commonwealth's crime-fighting efforts.

Digital Government

Intel unveils new Celeron processors

Intel Corp. offers new 600 MHz and 566 MHz Celeron processors, the company's fastest processors for the sub$1,000 PC market

Digital Government

MIT Libraries teams with HP on digital archive

The archive will be capable of holding the nearly 10,000 articles produced by MIT authors each year, including multimedia content

Digital Government

Tech Center gives companies boost

An Oklahoma organization is recruiting tech-savvy people to help technology companies go commercial