Digital Government

E-government earns place in D.C. budget

Mayor's proposed budget includes millions for connecting schools to Internet and electronic government initiatives


HCFA's Medicare oversight criticized

An inadequate financial management system hinders the Health Care Financing Administration's oversight of Medicare, officials say

Digital Government

Washington state creating most high-tech firms

Washington Technology Center finds the state beats California when it comes to establishing new companies

Digital Government

Gilmore signs UCITA

Virginia is the first state to adopt the act that updates licensing contract agreements for the Digital Age

Digital Government

California colleges adopt smart cards

Cards identify students, faculty and can be used for on or off-campus purchases

Digital Government

Colorado takes stand against software piracy

Gov. Owens signs an executive order requiring the state to use only licensed software

Digital Government

University of Dallas adds online technology programs

Undergraduate and graduate students can enroll in online programs similar to traditional campus classes

Digital Government

Oklahoma cops filing reports from patrol cars

The state is one of the most recent to outfit its patrol cars with IBM's FormRunner software

Digital Government

Shop cyberbookstore for DEP information

New feature on Pennsylvania Web site expected to shave money from printing and mailing costs

Digital Government

Oracle launches e-government initiative

Part of the company's strategy involves releasing a public sector version of e-Valuator

Digital Government

Y2K connects U.S. Virgin Islands

Wireless network will eventually link the islands with certain United States agencies


Tennessee's CIO a dragon-slayer

Killing dragons, says Bradley Dugger, is one of the most valuable lessons he learned from dealing with the Year 2000 crisis

Digital Government

Computer-intense project to revamp Pa. policing

State chooses Lockeed Martin for a system that would put computers into every facet of the commonwealth's crime fighting efforts

Digital Government

City manager challenges California gov on e-taxes

San Mateo official blasts Davis' opinion that the moratorium on taxing Internet transactions should be extended

Digital Government

More states join

Service allows people to search for unclaimed money in savings accounts, stocks and pay checks

Digital Government

New Deal Expands Political Service Web Site, which operates the online political services, recently announced an exclusive agreement with the Initiative and Referendum Institute to provide nonpartisan information about local, state and national referendums on the World Wide Web.


Pa. Gov. Ridge Proposes "Tax-Free PC" Holiday

Pennsylvanians soon will have two week-long opportunities to purchase personal computers tax-free, thanks to an initiative announced Thursday by Gov. Tom Ridge.

Digital Government

IBM unveils civic portal strategy

Drawing on its experience in the commercial sector, IBM Corp. is pulling together products and services in electronic commerce, security and privacy to support the development of World Wide Web portals by state and local governments.

Digital Government

Kansas State trying Internet election

Students will be voting online from computers anywhere to elect their student body leaders


EFed Expands into State, Local Market

EFed, a subsidiary of National Information Consortium Inc., has signed a letter of intent with Bank of America Corp. to create a company to offer state and local governments a business-to-business procurement system.