Digital Government

Oklahoma District Plugs in to E-Rate

The Western Heights School District in suburban Oklahoma City has one of the most advanced computer networks in the state. Every teacher has access to equipment that can broadcast lessons to students throughout the district, and last year a class participated in a live videoconference with U.S. sen

Digital Government


Kentucky Virtual U. Goes Online The Kentucky Commonwealth Virtual University, a consortium of the state's public and private colleges and universities, has created a onestop World Wide Web site that provides access to all the enrollment and student services needed to get a college degree online. T

Digital Government

Colorado announces first CIO

Paul Quade became the first chief information officer of Colorado in an announcement today by Gov. Bill Owens (R).

Digital Government

Agencies, industry aim to narrow 'digital divide'

More Americans than ever are using computers and connecting to the Internet, but a significant portion of the population particularly minorities and those in rural areas lacks access to basic information technology tools, so the federal government should partner with the private sector to narro


Air Force CIO: A-76 too slow

A-76 process takes took long to efficiently outsource IT positions, Gilligan says


Keeping the customer happy

Shopping is a necessary activity, but it's one that can result in nearly indescribable frustration, especially around the holidays.


DOD guns for green on scorecard

Official says department is making progress on the President's Management Agenda

Digital Government

Team tackles Windows 2000 security

Government, industry and academia are working together to create a secure version of Microsoft Windows 2000


Firms added to Army FCS mix

The lead systems integrator team adds eight partners for the Army's Future Combat System