
Conspiracy theories abound

Denialofservice attacks against highprofile ecommerce Web sites have conspiracy theorists pointing the finger at Uncle Sam

Digital Government

Asleep at the security wheel?

Security experts take aim at government and industry for lacking a sense of urgency in beefing up network security


Business reform on track at Pentagon

Secretary of Defense William Cohen's Annual Report to the president and Congress paints an optimistic picture for the future of ebusiness practices at DOD


Pentagon targets recruitment, high-tech training

The Defense Department is taking measures to ensure it attracts and retains the best and the brightest of the nation's young people to run the military's hightech systems


Intelligence, logistics placed under microscope

The war in Kosovo uncovered a mixed bag of successes and needed improvements in the Pentagon's intelligence and deployment planning operations


Report sheds light on NATO's high-tech problems in Kosovo

The Pentagon's final report to Congress on the air war in Kosovo unearths NATO information technology shortfalls that forced the U.S. to bear much of the combat burden


Pentagon budget guided by Kosovo lessons

The Defense Department's final After-Action Report to Congress on the 78-day air war in Kosovo describes a pressing need for future IT investments

Digital Government

Intell's computer balancing act

The intelligence community has long been a leader in the development of cuttingedge information technologies. But, as last week's events demonstrate, that position is imperiled by the attempt to balance security and privacy with better access to information.


Privacy group to Senate: FIDNet must go

The Electronic Privacy Information Center told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the administration's plan to protect information systems from cyberattacks will give the government unprecedented online monitoring capabilities


Agent Orange studies to hit the Net this year

The Air Force plans to make available by the year's end all raw data and analysis associated with a study into the health effects of the Agent Orange herbicide used during the Vietnam War. But a congressional study has criticized the service for dragging its feet on making the data available via the Internet and other electronic media.


Fair or foul?

Federal employees declared victory in 1997 after skillful lobbying defeated the Freedom from Government Competition Act, which many of the government's 1.8 million civilian employees feared would send the bulk of federal jobs to the private sector.

Digital Government

Intel to release improved mobile processors

Intel Corp. on Tuesday plans to announce additions to the company's line of mobile Pentium III processors that incorporate a unique technology that conserves battery life by enabling users to choose between optimum desktop performance and batteryoptimized performance.

Digital Government

NSA grapples with Linux security

The National Security Agency, the supersecret arm of the Defense Department responsible for signals intelligence and information systems security, last week tapped Secure Computing Corp. to develop a secure version of the Linux operating system.


Federal union questions price tag of Army logistics pact

Official documents delivered to Congress just days before the Army awarded a $681 million contract to Computer Sciences Corp. for the Wholesale Logistics Modernization Program (WLMP) place the total cost of the program at $533 million $148 million less than CSC's winning bid.

Digital Government

Y2K fizzles at DOD bases in Europe, Middle East

To the surprise of many in the Defense Department, the Year 2000 arriv

Digital Government

DOD to declare victory over Y2K

The Pentagon kicked open the portal to the twentyfirst century today wi

Digital Government

Pentagon issues final Y2K alert to commanders

With just eight days left before the longawaited Year 2000 date change, the Defense Department has issued a final alert to local commanders to ensure that they are prepared and has advised units overseas to be prepared for local disruptions, opportunistic computer network attacks and attacks by hostile forces.

Digital Government

Report: Pentagon's IT funding skewed

Despite consistent pleas by the Defense Department's top brass for more money to beef up significant shortfalls in modernization and readiness, the department in its fiscal 2000 budget used $1.2 billion from its operations and maintenance account to fund information technology systems development.


Critical procurement system running out of headroom

The Defense Department's program for fielding the $326 million Standard Procurement System may soon come to a screeching halt at various Navy and Marine Corps installations unless a solution can be found for the system's skyrocketing storage requirements.


Pentagon confident Russian nuclear plants will withstand Y2K

The Defense Department this week delivered thousands of fire extinguishers and dozens of fire trucks, computers, printers, fax machines and mobile radios to Russia, where they will be used to bolster the safety of that country's nuclear storage facilities during the Year 2000 date change.