Digital Government

DOD accounting system off-balance, Inspector General's report finds

Longstanding glitches in one of the Defense Department's main finance and accounting systems have caused the Pentagon's financial managers to lose track of more than $1.8 billion during a sevenyear period.

Digital Government

Marine unit buys attack-modeling software

The Marine Corps' Chemical Biological Incident Response Force (CBIRF), one of the Defense Department's leading antiterrorism units, recently purchased an enterprise license for one of the first software applications capable of modeling and predicting the impact of terrorist attacks involving nucle

Digital Government

DIA tackles flow of intelligence

On the afternoon of May 7, a CIA officer tried desperately to contact intelligence officials in Europe to alert them to the fact that the Yugoslavian military facility they had targeted was, in fact, located one block away from where NATO pilots were about to drop bombs. By the time his concerns co

Digital Government

Technology gap threatens NATO alliance, Cohen says

Defense Secretary William Cohen today warned lawmakers that the air war in Kosovo revealed a growing gap in hightech command, control, communications and intelligence technologies between the United States and its NATO allies that could threaten the alliance's ability to respond to future crises.

Digital Government

Electromagnetic pulse attacks: The wave of the future, panel says

The detonation of a small nuclear weapon in the upper atmosphere could lead to widespread paralysis of the nation's critical electronic infrastructure and cripple the Defense Department's ability to wage war, experts warn.

Digital Government

Lack of systems security skills reaching critical mass for feds

A leading national security expert on Wednesday told Congress that the shortage of skilled information systems security personnel throughout the government has reached crisis proportions and has contributed to the recent spate of intrusions into federal networks.

Digital Government

Bill enhances DOE security

President Clinton on Tuesday signed into law a bill that calls for sweeping changes to the security posture of the Energy Department, including a provision to create a new cybersecurity red team to conduct realtime evaluations of DOE computer networks.

Digital Government

Linux takes NOAA by storm

In what may be the first competitive government contract involving the Linux operating system, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration last month tagged a Reston, Va.based company to provide a Linuxbased supercomputer that promises drastic improvements in the ability to forecast dang

Digital Government

DOD boosts IT security role

The Marines have long been known as the nation's '911' force, ready to respond to any crisis, anywhere in the world. But the advent of crises in cyberspace has given rise to a new 911 force, with the Pentagon giving computer defense a more important role in military strategy. The Joint Task Force f

Digital Government

Air Force takes PC outsourcing to new level

While many Defense organizations still shy away from the idea of relinquishing control of their desktop computing environment, the Air Force broke new ground last month when it awarded a contract that expands the federal government's traditional approach to seat management. The contract, awarded to

Digital Government

DOD re-sold Y2K-sensitive excess supplies

The Defense Department donated or sold hundreds of thousands of computers, medical devices and other electronic equipment to state and local agencies, hospitals and other public institutions that could fail to operate because of Year 2000 problems. In a report released this week, the Pentagon's ins

Digital Government

Congress denies DOE computer security funds

The Defense Department donated or sold hundreds of thousands of computers, medical devices and other electronic equipment to state and local agencies, hospitals and other public institutions that could fail to operate because of Year 2000 problems.

Digital Government

DOD resold non-Y2K compliant computers, medical devices

The Defense Department donated or sold hundreds of thousands of computers, medical devices and other electronic equipment to state and local agencies, hospitals and other public institutions that could fail to operate because of Year 2000 problems.

Digital Government

Joint venture reports on cyberthreats

Infrastructure Defense Inc. (iDefense) and Oxford Analytica this month forged a joint venture that will offer defense and intelligence agencies and commercial firms comprehensive global intelligence reports dealing with the protection of critical electronic infrastructures.

Digital Government

DOD preps for Y2K-related cyberattacks

Fears that Year 2000 computer failures could provide cyberterrorists or hackers an open door to critical computer systems, the Defense Department has begun to boost intelligence operations and has put technologists on alert to better defend the nation's crucial networks.

Digital Government

DOD commercializes Kosovo comm

The Defense Department has begun rapidly commercializing the communications infrastructure for U.S. peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, with satellite links, localarea networks and voice and data communications in forward base camps. The Army also wants to quickly install commercially based cellular t

Digital Government

Study: IT increases terrorist threat

A study released last week by a senior group of national security experts concluded that the spread of advanced cyberweapons and weapons of mass destruction will enable terrorists and other groups to target large populations of U.S. citizens. According to the report conducted by the U.S. Commissi

Digital Government

U.S., Russia support joint warning center

More than six months after negotiations began, U.S. and Russian Federation officials last week signed a statement supporting the creation of a joint warning center that would help avoid an accidental launch of nuclear weapons resulting from system malfunctions caused by Year 2000related computer p

Digital Government

HP enhances net management offering

HewlettPackard Co. last month announced an enterprise network tool that enables network managers to accurately gauge the health and performance of local or widearea networks from anywhere in the world via the Internet. The product, HP OpenView NetMetrix Performance Center, is the centerpiece of

Digital Government

Linux grabbing more federal biz

Linux, the opensource operating system that for the past few years has been quietly gaining ground throughout the commercial world, has established a beachhead in the federal market and is poised to take over responsibility for some government missioncritical applications, according to industry a