Digital Government

Navy launches PC, laptop lease

As part of an effort to refurbish its computing environment and ramp up for a servicewide intranet project, the Navy's Pacific Fleet last week awarded a threeyear, $96 million leasing agreement to Dell Computer Corp. for desktop and laptop computers. Although the idea of leasing computers never re

Digital Government


While the Interceptor is off canoeing on the Chesapeake Bay, the editors have handed me the reins of the Intercepts column. You can call me the Infiltrator, after my shady roots in the spook community. My wellplaced listening devices have picked up the following: NAVY/MARINE CORPS INDIGNATION NET.

Digital Government

DOD: Some nuclear systems not ready for Year 2000

With just 162 days remaining until Jan. 1, 2000, the Defense Department still needs to fix Year 2000 problems in two missioncritical strategic nuclear command and control systems, according to senior Pentagon officials.

Digital Government

Supercomputer sale draws fire from Congress

The Energy Department on Wednesday was forced to buy back a supercomputer it had sold to a Californiabased company after officials realized that one of the company's principal employees was a Chinese citizen.

Digital Government

Intelligence bill grants feds new computer security powers

The Senate this week voted unanimously to pass the fiscal 2000 Intelligence Authorization Act, which would provide federal law enforcement officials new authority to search government computers belonging to individuals who have access to classified information.

Digital Government

Congress targets exported encryption tech

The House Armed Services Committee Wednesday voted in favor of giving the president the power to ban the export of certain types of powerful encryption technology that some experts say poses a threat to U.S. national security.

Digital Government

DOD: Some nuclear systems not ready for Year 2000

With just 162 days remaining until Jan. 1, 2000, the Defense Department still needs to fix Year 2000 problems in two missioncritical strategic nuclear command and control systems, according to senior Pentagon officials.

Digital Government

War game: U.S. must research biological warfare recovery

A war game simulation conducted last week by the National Defense University concluded that the United States should focus on advanced information technologies to help manage the chaos that would likely follow a biological weapons attack within the nation's borders.

Digital Government

DOD, Netscape ready PKI rollout

The Defense Department last week tapped Netscape Communications Corp. for software that is critical to DOD's future publickey infrastructure plans, and the department is preparing to award multiple contracts for digital certificate management authorities by the end of the month, according to gover

Digital Government

IBM prepares RS/6000, AIX upgrades

IBM Corp. this fall plans to offer an upgraded version of its RS/6000 server coupled with an enhanced release of its AIX operating system that together provide recordbreaking World Wide Web server performance, the company claims. During recent benchmark testing conducted by IBM, the company's RS/6

Digital Government

Congress considers security policy changes

In the wake of the theft of nuclear weapons secrets at the Energy Department, government personnel who have criticized their agencies' information technology safeguards have become targets of intimidation, prompting some members of Congress to consider issuing topdown security policy changes. Last

Digital Government

DOD puts vast nets to Y2K test

The Defense Department this week will complete what it described as 'the largest simultaneous Year 2000 test of information systems in the world' as part of a series of endtoend tests of how the Pentagon's missioncritical systems will operate after Dec. 31. The current series of tests focuses on

Digital Government

DOD, users meet on SPS

Top Defense Department and industry representatives this week are expected to chart the course of the $326 million computer system the Pentagon plans to use to buy everything from bandages to bullets in an electronic, paperless environment. Senior DOD officials, including Gen. Joseph W. Ralston, vi

Digital Government

DOD: Encryption export troubling

To the dismay of various national security and industry experts, senior Defense and intelligence officials have drawn a line in the sand regarding the export of powerful encryption technology. Testifying this month before the House Armed Services Committee, John Hamre, deputy secretary of Defense,

Digital Government

Army signs back-to-back software deals

With the Air Force bogged down studying policy options for buying enterprise management software, the Army recently closed a deal with Telos Corp. for a slew of enterprise management products and also has negotiated an agreement with Informix Software Inc. for unlimited use of the company's databas

Digital Government

DOD receives low marks for IT training tools

While the Pentagon has made computerbased training programs and other technologies a centerpiece of its mammoth acquisition reform initiative, a large percentage of the Defense Department's acquisition work force lacks adequate access to those tools, according to a recent survey. Over the last sev

Digital Government

Sun to offer Java-based remote access

Sun Microsystems Inc. plans to offer a Javapowered remoteaccess solution to the Defense Department and other federal agencies that need a secure, costeffective way to support remote users. Known and used internally throughout Sun's corporate structure for more than a year before its public relea

Digital Government

B-2 soars, proving report wrong

Despite the release last month of yet another scathing report by the General Accounting Office on the capabilities of the B2 stealth bomber, the NATO air campaign over Kosovo may have put to rest concerns about 'significant flaws' in the plane's missionplanning and defensive avionics systems. Whi

Digital Government

DOD advances e-business plans

Two of the Defense Department's largest communities recently turned their attention to the Internet and electronic commerce solutions as a way to exchange information more effectively with their customers while taking the department one step closer toward its goal of creating a paperless environmen

Digital Government

AF postpones software strategy

The Air Force has delayed devising a strategy for buying a single enterprise management software package, a decision that could profoundly affect the Defense Department's future enterprise network plans. The Air Force still plans to award a contract for EMS by the end of September, but the service