
New bill would create a governing body for water system cyber standards

The legislation comes after the Biden administration rescinded a memorandum that would have tied water sector cyber reviews to existing sanitation surveys.


HHS removed Login from its grantee payment system after funding theft

Hackers used data from a federal contracting hub to steal funding from seven grantee organizations in an HHS breach that occurred last year. Both HHS and GSA say that was not compromised or connected to the theft.


House advances spy power reauthorization bill without warrant measure

The bill — which represents a win for Biden administration policy objectives — will now be taken up in the Senate, with a week to go before the authority sunsets.


Russian hackers accessed U.S. government emails in Microsoft breach, CISA says

The alert comes a week after Microsoft was faulted in a DHS report for fostering a security culture that enabled a similar China-backed cyberattack last year.

Exclusive Cybersecurity

Some Volt Typhoon victims ‘won’t know they’re impacted,’ Mandiant CEO says

The efforts of the Beijing-linked Volt Typhoon hacking group represent the “natural progression” of Chinese espionage, according to Kevin Mandia.


CISA alerts Sisense breach that possibly exposed customer data

An internal company note appears to show some firm info may have been exfiltrated.


When can US spies buy your personal data? New guidelines are coming

Certain missions require government acquisition of personal information collected by data brokers, and appropriate safeguards need to be put in place, the official said at a Cyber Command-hosted event.


Wyden bill requires new cyber standards in federal tech procurement

The legislation comes in the wake of several cyber incidents targeting the federal government.


Section 702 renewal has support in Congress, but intelligence officials are leery of warrant measure

The disputed surveillance authority expires April 19, and the intelligence community is sending a full-court press to keep it from garnering significant privacy reforms.


Congress tries again for comprehensive data privacy bill

The bill would establish national data privacy standards, with the Federal Trade Commission crafting rules for enforcement.


China-backed operatives used fake social profiles to gauge US political division, Microsoft says

Some of the fake accounts used AI-generated images, and have doubled or tripled their followers since being detected, the company told Nextgov/FCW.


Linux backdoor was a long con, possibly with nation-state support, experts say

If the XZ Utils vulnerability hadn’t been caught in time, hackers would have had a “skeleton key to the world,” one analyst told Nextgov/FCW.

Breaking News People

White House deputy national cyber director to step down next week

Camille Stewart Gloster’s last day will be Tuesday, she told Nextgov/FCW. It’s unknown who will fill the position.


Return of net neutrality will hamstring some foreign broadband firms, FCC official says

The reclassification of broadband as a Title II service will give the Federal Communications Commission new power over internet service providers, and the agency says it will be a boon to U.S. network security.


Microsoft at fault for ‘avoidable errors’ leading to Chinese email hack last year, DHS group finds

The company’s cybersecurity culture contributed to an environment that enabled the incident, according to the findings.


CISA resource looks to help high-risk groups thwart cyberattacks

Civil society organizations, community groups and others often lack budgets and resources needed to defend against hackers.


CISA sounds alarm on deep-seated vulnerability in Linux tool

The malicious code was introduced by a user that has long-contributed to the open-source ecosystem.