
CIO Council to help with architecture changes

A council committee will share responsibility for updating the federal enterprise architecture's reference models.


Data reference model released

The Office of Management and Budget issued the first of four data reference volumes.


OMB lists sourcing report requirements

Federal agencies must include four new figures in their annual reports on competitive sourcing.


Bush approves DHS oversight

President Bush signed into law a bill requiring greater financial oversight of the Homeland Security Department.


Evans takes on chief architect work

OMB's e-gov czar has added the duties of chief architect to her job.

Digital Government

Legislation adds new twist to competitive sourcing awards

Federal workers now can appeal competitive sourcing awards -- if an agency tender official concurs.


Young: E-government evangelist

Dedicated political appointee takes program to higher levels


Government flunks annual audit

Agencies lack accurate daily financial data despite clean audits

Digital Government

House legislation puts chief architect role in limbo

A little-noticed provision in a report on a House spending bill calls for eliminating the position of chief architect in OMB.


Peek at Democratic e-gov

A think tank's criticism of Bush's e-government record offers seven steps for improving things.

Digital Government

House targets chief architect

A little-noticed provision in a spending bill passed by the House would cut the OMB position.


IRS modernization chief gets to work

Richard Spires is setting new priorities to ensure the IRS Business Systems Modernization program stays on track.


The case management challenge

Get a sense of the challenge ahead for FBI officials committed to streamlining case management.


Farmers get USDA their way

Web portal brings information from across the agency to users


More isn't better for case management

Agencies look to consolidate redundant, expensive systems.


E-government marches on

It won't be halted, no matter who wins the election, Mark Forman says.


SEC to accept XBRL

The Securities and Exchange Commission will start taking filings tagged with Extensible Business Reporting Language.


Citizens demand satisfaction

Federal agency sites must keep pace with their commercial counterparts.


Congress approves DHS audits

Legislators also voted to require Senate confirmation for the Homeland Security CFO.


Intell reform moves through Congress

Bills focus on boosting information sharing