
IRS moves to 'clean slate'

Agency kills modernization office and creates new organization to take over


3 tips on how to Get It Right

With lawmakers on the watch for procurement problems, here are some ways to keep your purchases on track

Digital Government

Small-business numbers questioned

An SBA report may have overstated the percentage of contracts going to small businesses.

Digital Government

IRS biz rules scrutiny nears completion

Rule engines could help bridge the worlds of business and programming


OPM selects five human resources service centers

Five federal agencies can start competing next fiscal year to provide human resources back office functions to other agencies, OPM announced.


Federal architects ready glossary of terms

The federal Chief Architects Forum has posted working draft definitions of 175 enterprise architecture terms on its public wiki site.


TCE still alive

Treasury reverses earlier decision to use GSA telecom contracts.


Sun narrowly escapes GSA delisting

Company gets reprieve after agreeing to lower some prices.


Treasury reopening TCE bids

The Treasury Department is reopening private-sector bidding for its Treasury Communications Enterprise contract for a departmentwide data, voice and video technology network.


GSA nearly delists Sun Microsystems

A spat between GSA and Sun over prices nearly resulted in the Silicon Valley computer giant’s products being pulled from the popular GSA schedule contracts.


OMB builds out enterprise architecture

Two initiatives slated for September delivery.


Architecture efforts coming to a head

Among the initiatives slated for delivery in September are federal enterprise architecture products for records management and geospatial information.


OMB moves to consolidate cybersecurity

Cross-agency centers would standardize agency security processes.


OMB insistent on IPv6

Federal agencies must head to the next generation of IP by 2008, according to an OMB official.


Modernization means faster tax refunds

The IRS is speeding tax refunds with a new digital system that is replacing a 40-year-old dinosaur.


Auditors find IRS security holes

IRS managers are not following security procedures for workers who leave but still have access to its systems.


Spotlight on DHS financial management

Org chart now shows CFO post


DHS says CFO reports to Chertoff

DHS fixes its organizational chart so the CFO reports directly to the secretary.


Administration unveils civil service plan

Draft legislation would do away with General Schedule pay system


IRS seeks filing and payment compliance

Agency taps a modernization tool to find tax cheaters