
Cybersecurity index aims to penetrate the fog of marketing hype

Dan Geer, information security chief at CIA investment arm In-Q-Tel, wants to develop meaningful threat metrics.

Digital Government

Agencies get down to business with computer games

Using high-tech puzzles that reward ingenuity and play, feds are tapping crowds for answers to problems they can't solve on their own.


Humvees, UAVs could create route to Internet in Afghanistan

DARPA plans to bring connectivity to remote battlefields by turning unmanned aircraft and Humvees into mobile hot spots.

Digital Government

Pentagon-funded games would crowdsource weapons testing

Facing a shortage of computer specialists, Defense officials look to 'ordinary people' for help rooting out software glitches.


Iran Censorship Efforts Gain Urgency Amid Stuxnet Fears

Iran's efforts to disconnect its Internet from the rest of cyberspace have gained urgency amid fears of another Stuxnet worm and other perceived moves by the U.S. government to exert influence through the Web, a report suggests.

Digital Government

Reducing the cost of IT security: 'The challenge of the decade' expert says

Dan Kaminsky explains why security, to be effective and efficient, must be engineered into systems, not added later.


DARPA seeks security expertise from a nontraditional source: the hacker community

The program, called Cyber Fast Track, will reward security research done within "a matter of months and at a small price tag."