
Agencies look inward for Web 2.0

When agencies are not able to use public services such as Facebook and Twitter, a growing collection of open-source tools is making it easier for them to create their own social-networking systems.


Census successfully uses handhelds to verify addresses

The Census Bureau finished the first phase of the 2010 decennial census ahead of schedule in part because new handheld computers performed well despite earlier problems.


Government IT spending put on full display in new Web site

A new Web site launched by OMB lets the public see how agencies are spending money on information technology.


Administration seeks input on declassification

As part of the White House’s open government initiative, officials ask public to comment on declassification policies.


2010 appropriations: House targets EPA financial systems modernization

White House officials say proposed cuts to EPA’s budget could put financial system modernization program at risk.


Research site adds social networking

A quick-share tool added to makes it easier to share results through social-networking Web sites.


NASCIO joins open government effort

The state CIO organization will work with federal agencies to promote the development of data standards for state governments.


Social media puts the squeeze on Army public affairs

Social media tools such as blogs are forcing Army officials to rethink how they share information, official says.


HUD joins Recovery Act mapping effort

HUD officials will upload data to a Web mapping tool about how and where Recovery Act dollars are spent.


White House tries hand at wiki-style policy development

In the third phase of the initiative, the Obama administration is asking the public to help draft recommendations for making the federal government operations and information more transparent.


White House wants prizes for innovators

White House officials want to learn how the government can use cash prizes to foster innovation, official says.


DOD's cyber command takes shape

Defense Department officials are ironing out the details of a new major military command in charge of DOD’s cyber mission. However, they have not made a formal announcement that spells out the new command's scope.


Army allows social media — warily

Security risks keep sites under suspicion.


HUD expands multilingual Web site

HUD site offers information about fair housing to people with limited English skills.


Web 2.0, regulations may collide

Based on feedback from the public, White House officials say some regulations need to be revised to work better with Web 2.0 tools.


DISA seeks identity management technology

DISA wants to learn more about emerging access control technologies that can simplify management and interoperability.


Official: Gates still considering cyber command

A new Defense Department cyber command would not lead to a military takeover of cyberspace, says Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn.


FDA stumbles toward transparency

Despite having little guidance on how to meet the Obama administration's transparency goals, the Food and Drug Administration is moving forward with plans.


Air Force Cyber leader takes office

When Maj. Gen. Richard Webber takes command of the new organization in charge of the Air Force’s cyber mission, he will quickly face the challenge of making the mission relevant.


DOD cyber command won't militarize cyberspace

Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn III stressed the need for cooperation between the Pentagon’s new cyber command and the organizations with primary responsibility for the .gov and private-sector domains.