
IRS launches YouTube, iTunes sites

The IRS launched a YouTube video site and an iTunes podcast site filled with content that provides taxpayers with information about tax provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


Social media and DOD: To be or not to be?

The Defense Department continues to send mixed signals about the use of social-media tools.


Do we need a U.N. cybersecurity council?

The cyberattacks that plagued Georgia's online communications infrastructure in August 2008 have prompted some observers to call for an international body to deal with cybersecurity.


DOD said likely to adopt limited social networking

Navy CIO Robert Carey says powerful opportunities exist for social networking inside networks controlled by the military.


USDA uses social media to study rural life

A new Web site from the Agriculture Department uses several social media tools to track a program that collects information on life in rural communities.


Social media dominates new DOD Web site

Social media is the prominent feature on the new Defense Department's home page, which was launched today.


Former EPA official wants to bring new IT to government

In her new role at CGI Federal, Molly O’Neill plans to draw on her past experience with issues such as data sharing and Web 2.0.


University of Maryland confirms Kundra's credentials after questions raised

University of Maryland officials affirm Kundra earned degrees there, after a tech blogger challenges the federal CIO's bio.


Debate still rages on federal use of cookies

A plan to allow Web tracking technology on government Web sites draws protests, support.


DISA asks industry for help with new priorities

DISA wants to deliver on-demand, enterprisewide technology services across the Defense Department.


Government rethinks ban on tracking Web site visitors

The government could adopt consumer technology, but it would require policy changes.


Peer pressure: Congress plans file-sharing ban

Peer-to-peer software, used to easily share computer files, poses a security risk and has no place on government or contractor networks, according to some members of Congress who held a hearing about the technology recently.


Former EPA IT official O'Neill lands job at CGI

Molly O'Neill, a chief information officer in an office in the Environmental Protection Agency, has accepted a job with CGI Group.


DOD to review use of social-media technology

Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn orders a review to detail the threats and benefits from using social-networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter.


Astronaut sends Tweets from space

An Army officer is the first to post Twitter feeds from the International Space Station, NASA notes.


Marines: Facebook is not for the few good men

The Marine Corps has banned using social-networking Web sites on the service’s networks because of security concerns.


FCC wants help on universal broadband

The FCC asks officials and the public to help develop a plan for providing universal broadband Internet access.


U.S. is a model for Canada's open government efforts

Canadian officials reference projects in the United States for using Web 2.0 to achieve open government goals.


Where in the world is the geospatial data?

Policy changes and new technologies can help agencies better manage geospatial data.


Bill would ban peer-to-peer use in agencies

A House committee chairman who has jurisdiction over some government operations plans to introduce a bill designed to ban the use of peer-to-peer software on government and contractor networks.