Digital Government

System Mechanic makes a handy helper

Once upon a time, you could hire a single guru to take care of all your data processing needs. Today, most agencies and departments need a team of specialists: one person who specializes in Web design, another who specializes in networks, and so on.

Digital Government

Turbocharge your PC's memory

MemTurbo gives PCs that justbooted performance feel


Keeping mobile workers in sync

The most obvious way to exchange data with mobile workers is to use the Internet. What is not so obvious is how to guarantee that the rovers are working with the same data as the folks back in the office.

Digital Government

TeleSweep ferrets out vulnerable modems

Army information technology managers last week urged senior leaders to speed up the vexing process of granting security clearances to contractors and permanent personnel assigned to work on missioncritical systems.

Digital Government

Sniffer Pro hunts down network traffic problems

Even the Ghostbusters would have a hard time tracking down all the spooky problems that can plague a complex computer network. When the connection to your World Wide Web site smells like it has been slimed, it's time to call Network Associates Inc.'s Sniffer Pro. Protocol analyzers such as Sniffer

Digital Government

NetSonar scouts out your network flaws

Your network probably is not anywhere near as secure as it needs to be. If you subscribe to any security alert services, you know how difficult it is to keep up to date on security holes that hackers ferret out. Network security scanners take the burden off you by searching the nooks and crannies o

Digital Government

TransportIT secures data transfers

If you feel that moving large data files over your agency's complex networks is like shoving an elephant through a pipe, or you know that you'd sleep better at night if you had more control over the security of your data transfers, then TransportIT may cure some of your headaches. TransportIT is de

Digital Government

Utilities: Cures for what ails you

In an ideal world, your operating system would never crash, would be secure from viruses and hackers and would take care of every possible glitch in the background, from corrupt files to disk defragmentation.

Digital Government

Norton 2000 stamps out elusive Y2K bugs

Are all the applications on your desktop Year 2000compliant? Are any hidden Year 2000 bugs lurking in the spreadsheet and database data files on your desktop PC? Merely doing a visual check through your files is unlikely to uncover all the subtle date bugs that could afflict your system. That's wh