Digital Government

Lawmakers to include VET-TEC renewal under broader veteran bill, per committee spokesperson

VA’s five-year tech training pilot expired April 1 after Congress failed to pass legislation to renew the program.


VA plans to restart EHR deployments before the end of FY25, secretary says

Despite VA’s fiscal year 2025 budget request not allocating any money toward the deployment of its new EHR at additional medical facilities, VA Secretary Denis McDonough said it has “existing money” that will be made available to resume system rollouts.


VA not sharing details on supply chain upgrade, Republican lawmaker says

Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., who heads a House subcommittee focused on tech at Veterans Affairs, said “there does not seem to be any approved budget” for the new supply chain system, which the department estimates to cost between $9 billion and $15 billion.

Emerging Tech

How TSA’s opt-outs for biometric screenings informed White House AI policy

The Office of Management and Budget’s recent guidance on the government’s responsible use of AI elevates TSA's practice of allowing travelers to decline biometric scans at airport security to national policy.


‘Military force’ could be directed to protect private sector orbital assets, DOD strategy says

The Pentagon’s first-ever commercial space integration strategy said the department would take steps to “mitigate risks to commercial space actors.”

Emerging Tech

DOD is looking to grow its marketplace for speedy acquisitions of innovative tech

The Pentagon is working to build its Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace “out of the proof of concept phase” to help more DOD entities quickly acquire innovative industry products.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is creating ‘more sophisticated’ but not unprecedented election threats, DHS official says

AI is likely to create more convincing phishing campaigns but is “not necessarily introducing a new threat or risk in and of itself,” the official said.

Artificial Intelligence

Swedish, US officials see promise of AI but also the need for global agreements

The U.S. and other nations need to have “an open and enlightened global conversation” around regulating AI technologies to maximize their potential and mitigate their risks, according to Sweden’s director general for trade.


VA officials tout EHR rollout at Chicago site amid efforts to address oversight concerns

Although implementation of VA’s EHR system at additional sites remains paused, a critical rollout of the software at the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center earlier this month was “the most successful deployment we’ve had,” VA Undersecretary for Health Shereef Elnahal said.


DOD’s emerging tech experiments will continue to support CJADC2, official says

The Pentagon’s ongoing Global Information Dominance Experiment will build upon the department’s minimum-viable interoperable information-sharing network announced la

Emerging Tech

Space operations likely to be shaped by sustainable emerging tech, report says

Innovative capabilities that promote reusability, safety and longevity are likely to dictate the future of space exploration, according to a recent white paper from Forecast International.


Issues with VA’s new EHR have contributed to patient harms and one death, watchdog says

Three new reports from VA’s Office of Inspector General detail problems with the pharmacy module and scheduling service of the Oracle Cerner EHR system that made it difficult to reschedule medical appointments and effectively track veterans’ prescriptions.

Digital Government

Export control agency lacks funding and tech to manage its workload, official says 

The head of the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security gave lawmakers “an emphatic no” when asked if his office has the IT resources it needs to carry out its mission.

Artificial Intelligence

Lawmakers eye 2025 defense bill for AI proposals

A leader of the Senate’s bipartisan AI working group said that next year's must-pass defense policy bill could include some substantive AI proposals, but the Senate is “not ready” for a comprehensive AI bill at this time.


Lawmakers propose a new federal office to regulate workplace surveillance tech

The new bill from Reps. Chris Deluzio, D-Pa., and Suzanne Bonamici, D-Ore., would also establish new employee rights and employer transparency rules around surveillance.

Emerging Tech

Lawmaker seeks to give NASA funding flexibility on interagency research efforts

Legislation from Rep. Eric Sorensen, D-Ill., would allow agencies to transfer funding to NASA to jointly partner on scientific or engineering projects.


NASA needs to refocus on supercomputing to keep pace in space, watchdog says

The space agency “needs a renewed commitment and sustained leadership attention” to enhance its overburdened and vulnerable high-end computing assets.


Pentagon names new top official for digital and AI

Radha Plumb, currently deputy undersecretary of Defense for acquisition and sustainment, will replace Craig Martell as Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer on April 8.


Legacy ATO process is slowing software upgrades at DOD, experts say

The Pentagon’s current approach to managing and minimizing risk when acquiring commercial software products presents a barrier to the speedy adoption of new capabilities, experts warned during a congressional hearing.


Biden budget cuts funding for health record refresh amid ongoing program 'reset'

VA’s proposed FY25 budget includes zero funding for future deployments of its new electronic health record system and allocates no additional funds for assessing rollouts at other sites.