Digital Government

Agencies urged to accept orders from state, local buyers

Anticipating that the General Services Administration will soon open its multipleaward schedules to state and local governments vendors are urging federal agencies that sponsor other governmentwide contracts also to accept orders from lowerlevel governments. At least a few agencies are considerin

Digital Government

Lawsuit to decide if e-mail, files are rubbish or records

A coalition of publicinterest groups historians and researchers last month filed a lawsuit against the National Archives and Records Administration over a policy that allows agencies to destroy electronic mail and word processing files once they print out copies of those records. The complaint Pub

Digital Government

Keyfile integrates Keyflow into Microsoft Exchange

Keyfile Corp. has shipped a new software product called Keyflow that enables users of Microsoft Corp.'s Exchange groupware to incorporate automated workflow into their applications.Keyfile which has sold its flagship Keyfile workflow package mainly to customers in the Defense and Agriculture depart

Digital Government

FDC wins $55M CERTAN contract

The National Institutes of Health has chosen FDC Technologies Inc. Bethesda Md. for a $55 million contract to upgrade and replace mainframes for the agency. The award made in midDecember is the second of four procurements planned under Project CERTAN (Computer Equipment Resources and Technology Ac

Digital Government

Agencies measure own performance

Federal agencies many for the first time have begun to measure how well their procurement offices perform and the results are expected to affect agency budget requests during the next two years. The measurement effort is part of the government's plan to carry out the Government Performance and Resu


IRS, Customs look for common HR system

The Internal Revenue Service and the Customs Service are exploring whether they can integrate their multiple human resources systems into one platform using commercial offtheshelf technology.

Digital Government


IBM offers new gear on SEWP II I BM Corp. recently detailed its offerings on the network data server portion of NASA's Scientific and Engineering Workstation II procurement. In October NASA selected nine contractors for its $1.8 billion SEWP II program the sequel to the popular SEWP contract.

Digital Government

Agencies lag in embracing GILS power

The Government Information Locator Service could become a nationwide and international standard for cataloging and disseminating government information but agencies have yet to embrace its potential according to federal officials and others attending a conference on GILS last month. "GILS holds gr


Listings highlight `plum' positions

If you think the transition to the second Clinton administration and its attendant personnel shuffling makes this a good time to try a career move check out the new "Policy and Supporting Positions" listing better known as the "plum book." This quadrennial summary of political and other nonco

Digital Government

Contract award revisions

Agency officials vendors and lawyers lent their support this month to a sweeping overhaul of how the government awards negotiated contracts though they said some details of the proposed rewrite of Part 15 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation should be reconsidered. Fred Gelden counsel to the Elec


EPA plans $8.5M Notes purchase

The Environmental Protection Agency plans to spend $8.5 million on Lotus Development Corp.'s Notes groupware product during the next five years. As part of the deal which Lotus announced two weeks ago EPA expects to buy licenses for more than 18 000 Notes clients. EPA is expanding its use of Notes


NIH to offer training

The National Institutes of Health next week plans to launch a training course in recent procurement and information technology management reforms that it expects will eventually be open to students from throughout the government and from industry. Jefferson Solutions LLC a subcontractor to Cordant


Network buy pared in favor of governmentwide pacts

The National Institutes of Health has scaled back a network procurement thought to be worth about $70 million and instead plans to purchase much of the equipment software and services it needs from other contracts. 'It would be silly to duplicate something that's already been done " said John Dick

Digital Government

E-FOIA expected to spur agency demand for systems

A new law requiring agencies to make documents available to the public in electronic form is likely to cement demand for systems to automate processing of Freedom of Information Act requests according to vendors. The Electronic FOIA Amendments of 1996 (EFOIA) require agencies to provide documents


DOD proposes new regulations

Senior Defense Department officials proposed this month new rules for modular contracting that would encourage agencies to consider problems they may encounter when building large information systems piece by piece according to a memo sent to the Federal Acquisition Regulation Council. Emmett Paige

Digital Government

Agencies fail to embrace incentives

Two years after enactment of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act federal agencies have not complied with provisions of the law that demand they offer performance incentives to their acquisition staffs according to a report by the General Accounting Office. Agencies have made more progress sett

Digital Government

Virus prompts partial EPA shutdown

last week a computer virus wiped out files in an estimated 600 workstations in the midAtlantic region of the Environmental Protection Agency and disabled up to two dozen other computers causing the agency to shut down its network operations in the region on Thursday. Jim Newsom deputy associate re

Digital Government

ORD links network to EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development (ORD) one of the most fragmented offices in an agency often criticized for its stovepipe approach to information management is rolling out a new network that will link it for the first time to the rest of the EPA. With the

Digital Government

Programs won't change, NIH official tells vendors

Officials at the National Institutes of Health last week assured vendors that a recent contracting office reorganization will cause no fundamental changes in three innovative information technology programs administered by the agency. In a meeting Wednesday with vendors participating in ImageWorld

Digital Government

GAO finds Net is hot for vendors showing wares

The Internet is emerging as an important market research tool for federal agencies buying information technology according to a new report by the General Accounting Office. Government and industry officials participating in the GAO review of agency market research activities said the Internet is 'b